Early signs of pregnancy include missed period, fatigue, nausea, breast changes, food cravings or aversions, cramps and bloating, and frequent urination. A home pregnancy test or doctor’s consultation can confirm pregnancy. Not all women experience all symptoms, so it’s important to seek medical advice if there is suspicion of pregnancy.
There are several early signs of pregnancy which, taken individually, can be attributed to other conditions, but taken together they can be pretty clear indicators that a woman is expecting. A missed period, fatigue, nausea, and food cravings or food aversions can all be early signs. Typically, a woman can be pregnant if she suspects she is and shows three or more of these symptoms. To be sure, a woman should take a home pregnancy test or consult a doctor.
Missing period
A common assumption is that a missed period is the biggest of the early signs of pregnancy; however, this is not a foolproof indicator. Since many women don’t have regular periods, it can be difficult to judge whether a period is really late. Others may experience light bleeding, called implantation bleeding, after becoming pregnant; this commonly occurs when the fertilized egg attaches itself in the uterus. In fact, some estimates indicate that up to one in five pregnant women experience light bleeding in the first trimester.
Among the first signs of pregnancy, fatigue is a symptom experienced by a large percentage of women. This tiredness can make it difficult to engage in normal activities and cause a woman to suddenly require more sleep than she usually needs to go about her daily routine. Fatigue occurs because a woman’s stamina decreases as her body uses up much of her energy to make the physical changes necessary for pregnancy.
Hormonal changes also occur, which can create a feeling similar to catching the flu. Nausea, with dry retching or actual vomiting, is common during the first 14 to 14 weeks of pregnancy. While this is often referred to as “morning sickness,” it can happen at any time of the day or night.
Changes in the breast
Another early sign of pregnancy is breast changes. Areolas, the colored skin around the nipples, may darken and enlarge. The breasts themselves usually become tender and full, as the body initiates the biological process to enable milk production. These changes can be similar to the breast changes common among women who have premenstrual monthly syndrome (PMS).
Food cravings and aversions
Cravings for specific foods can accompany a pregnancy. Sometimes these can be unusual, such as a vegetarian who craves meat or a person who doesn’t normally like sweets suddenly craving lots of sugary treats. Some women actually feel like eating unusual things, such as earth or chalk, which can indicate a vitamin deficiency. Expectant mothers and women who aren’t pregnant should see a doctor if they experience cravings for non-food items.
Just like unexplained cravings, food aversions are another common symptom of early pregnancy. Sudden sensitivities to foods or smells can make a woman feel sick or dizzy. This is caused by the surge in hormones. Common triggers for nausea or even a headache are usually strong smells or tastes, such as smoke, cologne, garlic, and eggs.
Cramps and Bloating
A general feeling of cramping or swelling in the pelvic area can also be another sign of pregnancy. This can be accompanied by constipation. Again, such changes can mimic PMS or another illness, and many women may not know for sure that they are pregnant based on this symptom alone.
Frequent urination
Frequent urination, or frequent urges to urinate, can also be an indicator that a woman is pregnant. This early symptom often disappears during the second trimester and then returns at the end of pregnancy. If a woman finds that she needs to use the bathroom more often than usual, she is experiencing other signs of pregnancy, and she suspects that she is pregnant, she should take steps to find out for sure.
Typically, the quickest and easiest way to determine if a woman is pregnant, without visiting a doctor’s office, is to take a home pregnancy test. These simple tests measure a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which is produced during pregnancy. The test usually consists of a strip of chemically treated paper or plastic. When dipped in a woman’s urine, these chemicals react and change. The exact changes vary depending on the type of test used, but the strip typically indicates whether the result is negative, meaning not pregnant, or positive.
Although some home pregnancy tests report that they can give a result on the first day of a missed period, in reality it can take up to 10 days or more before sufficient, detectable amounts of hCG are present. Therefore, a negative result in an early test could be inaccurate and the woman could actually be pregnant. A home test is often more reliable if it’s used when your period is closer to two weeks or more late, or if it was much lighter than usual. If the test is negative but a woman still suspects that she is pregnant, she can wait a few more days and retest.
Confirm a pregnancy
A doctor can perform a blood test that will detect much lower levels of hCG than a home pregnancy test. This type of screening is also accurate in the early days of pregnancy. If early signs of pregnancy are present, and especially if pregnancy has been indicated with a home pregnancy test, a woman should make an appointment with a doctor to confirm this. Proper antenatal care is essential to the health and safety of a mother and her baby.
While there are many common early signs of pregnancy, it’s important to note that not everyone will experience all of these symptoms. If a woman suspects that she is pregnant, she should not be misled by the lack of changes. Instead, she should use a home pregnancy test or see a doctor to get a definitive answer.