Emails require special sensitivity and security. Three main methods to protect emails are Transport Security Layer (TLS), Pretty Good Protection (PGP), and S/MIME standards. TLS is a cryptographic tunnel between email servers, using encryption and hashing algorithms, and RSA public key cryptographic algorithm. TLS is similar to SSL, creating an encrypted tunnel between two computers.
Emails are now widely used in most businesses as a means of transmitting sensitive information between people. Many businesses require special sensitivity and security for email messages. There are three main methods to protect emails. These include Transport Security Layer (TLS), Pretty Good Protection (PGP) and S/MIME standards. Transport layer security (TLS) is security designed as a special cryptographic tunnel between a sending and receiving email server. This type of encryption requires special protocols and connection points between computers.
Today’s email applications typically consist of many interconnected mail servers. These mail servers are connected to each other via telecommunication devices. Within the transport layer security standard, an encrypted telecommunication channel is used as a method of ensuring that all transmitted data is not decryptable.
Data encryption is the process of converting text strings into undecipherable information. This process requires hashing algorithms designed to mathematically encode information. These functions are usually based on Data Encryption Standards (DES) or Advanced Data Encryption Standards (AES). AES standards are considered to be the latest standards and meet the most stringent security requirements of modern applications.
Email encryption processes have evolved over the past few decades. Transport layer security was first introduced in 1999 with version 1.0. It comes in multiple versions with the current version supporting Advanced Encryption Standards (AES). The latest version provides a higher level of security because the encryption algorithm is more complex.
Public key security is a feature that requires the creation of an encryption key to encrypt a message. Transport layer security uses the RSA public key cryptographic algorithm. The cryptographic function was created in 1978 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adelman. This previous version of RSA only supported the DES standards. The current version of RSA supports the more complex standards of AES.
Transport layer security is similar to Secure Socket Layer (SSL), which is the primary cryptographic security used on the Internet. With TLS, a secure encrypted connection is created between two computers. This telecommunications device encrypts all data transmitted over network devices. This effectively becomes an encrypted tunnel with all data transmitted in an encrypted format.
TSL provides an encrypted tunnel using the RSA encryption process. This tunneling provides a tighter level of security because the receiving email server has an encryption certificate from the sending email server. Any interception attempt would be blocked by the encrypted message and telecommunication device.