Image segmentation is a digital method that fragments an image into multiple layers based on pixel similarity. This helps distinguish objects and modify images. There are four methods, including the threshold, edge-based, region-based, and active contour model.
Image segmentation is a digital method that creates multiple image layers and fragments from a simple picture or image. This technology greatly helps computers and machines distinguish one object from another when scanning a one-dimensional image. In an image, for example, of a monkey clinging to a tree branch, the segmentation of the image helps to recognize and differentiate the monkey from the branch, making the task easier in terms of image modification and recognition.
Generally, what image segmentation does is assign a value to each pixel, which are the small parts that make up an image. These pixels are then grouped based on their similarity in areas such as color, saturation, and proximity to each other. In this way, the image is then fragmented into different parts that technicians and digital editors can work with without having to alter the whole image, just the selected fragment. Many programs and software recognize the different fragments by highlighting the object when selected. Some programs even have the ability to isolate an object, then further isolate each of the object’s parts.
There are four commonly used methods for image segmentation, the simplest of which is the threshold technique. Threshold is usually for grayscale and black and white images, where the process gives pixels only two possible values. Pixels recognized as background are assigned the value “0”, while object pixels are assigned the value “1”. A colored image will turn black and white when segmented by the thresholding technique.
Another method of image segmentation is the edge-based technique. This approach isolates images by distinguishing the outlines of each object, differentiating them from the background. This technique can be very effective for images with sharp contrasts, but it is not as useful for blurry images and broken edges. The region-based technique, on the other hand, not only isolates each object but also isolates each region of the particular object based on their characteristics. Many artists using digital art often use this method for a more precise, but often painstaking creation.
The newest approach to image segmentation is the active contour model. This technique uses curved lines called “snakes” to make the outline of an object apparent. This is most effective for images with irregular shapes and outlines, as snakes have the ability to automatically adjust to the shape of the object. It is also used for noisy, grainy images that affect the vibrancy and color of the primary object.