False positive drug test results can be caused by lab errors, medications (including over-the-counter cough and cold syrups and prescription drugs), herbal supplements, foods, and certain medical conditions. Those awaiting drug testing should keep a list of all medications and supplements they are taking.
There are a number of substances that can cause a false positive drug test result. Many of these are common medications that a number of people use while other substances are herbal treatments, foods or supplements that can cause a drug test to read incorrectly. Additional causes include testing or labeling errors or certain medical conditions.
As stated, one of the reasons for a false positive drug test is lab error. Either the lab failed to test correctly or there was a labeling error. Some labs are certified as drug testing labs and some are not, and some employers or other agencies that do drug testing don’t necessarily use a certified lab. If people can rule out all other potential causes of positive tests, they may be able to repeat a test or do it again at another lab, although this option isn’t available to everyone.
Undoubtedly, one of the main causes of a false positive drug test is the use of other drugs. Some of the ones most prominent in false positive readings are over-the-counter cough and cold syrups, decongestants, and over-the-counter nasal sprays. Some prescription drugs used for pain relief or for severe coughs actually contain drugs such as codeine, hydrocodone, or oxycodone, and these can cause a true positive on very large tests or false positives on limited tests.
Antidepressants such as Zoloft® or Wellbutrin® and antibiotics such as Levaquin® and amoxicillin can cause false positive readings and, again, true positive readings could occur if people are taking medications such as tricyclic antidepressants, barbiturates, amphetamines, or benzodiazepines. These drugs are legally prescribed for conditions such as depression, anxiety, sleep problems, seizures, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Similarly, some asthma medications create inaccurate readings. A simple pain reliever like naproxen sodium can also read as drug use.
Herbal supplements and treatments can be reasons for a false positive drug test. Different vitamin B supplements, anything containing or made from hemp, and substances like valerian or ephedra can affect drug tests. There are also foods like poppy seeds and any foods containing the above supplements or natural substances that could be a problem.
Some forms of liver and kidney disease have been linked to false positives. Those not taking any of the substances listed above or eating any of the potential foods that can cause problems may require testing from their doctors to determine if there is an underlying medical condition. This could be used to challenge results.
In all, there is an overwhelming list of false positive drug test causes. Individuals awaiting drug testing should keep a list of all medications/supplements they are taking and be prepared to submit legal prescription information required for medical conditions.