Stomach obstruction can be caused by genetic defects, polyps, ulcers, hernias, or cancerous tumors. Symptoms include cramping, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea. Treatment may involve surgery, stents, or chemotherapy. Pyloric stenosis is an inherited form of stomach obstruction that requires surgery.
A stomach obstruction is a physical defect or blockage in the organ that can cause a variety of unpleasant symptoms. In most cases, the obstruction occurs at the narrow base of the stomach where it meets the duodenum, a section of tissue called the pyloric valve or sphincter. When an obstruction is present in childhood, the cause is usually a genetic defect in the valve that prevents it from relaxing and expanding. Blockages later in life can be caused by benign polyps, scar tissue from injury or surgery, ulcers, hernias, or cancerous tumors. Treatment decisions are made based on the underlying cause and severity of symptoms, but most patients require clinical or surgical procedures to permanently correct stomach obstructions.
Pyloric stenosis is a type of inherited stomach obstruction problem that is usually present at birth. The pyloric valve and the muscles that control its contractions and expansions are thicker than usual. When food is eaten, it has difficulty escaping from the stomach and reaching the intestines to complete digestion. A baby might vomit frequently, have constant abdominal pain, and fail to thrive in the first six months of life. Dehydration is a major issue with pyloric stenosis that may need to be combated with intravenous fluids. Newborns usually need surgery to remove excess muscle tissue and expand the valve.
A person can develop stomach obstruction at any age, and symptoms can come on suddenly or gradually worsen over time depending on the cause. Peptic ulcers, sore patches along the stomach, pyloric valve, or duodenum are common causes of blockage. An ulcer can develop spontaneously or be caused by bacterial infection, overuse of anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, or accidental ingestion of a caustic. Small masses of tissue called polyps can also block the valve if a person has an inflammatory autoimmune disease or a serious infection. Finally, cancerous tumors in or near the stomach can disrupt the normal functioning of the valve.
Symptoms of a stomach obstruction in an adult typically include painful cramping, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea. The abdomen may begin to swell and become tender to the touch. Depending on the cause, digestive symptoms may be accompanied by fever, joint pain, and fatigue. It is very important to visit a hospital when symptoms persist for more than a few hours.
Patients who have severe symptoms are typically fitted with nasogastric tubes that are inserted through the nose, guided down the throat, and placed at the other end of the pyloric valve. The tube can deliver nutrients until the cause of the stomach obstruction is diagnosed and treated. Ulcers and polyps caused by bacteria can be relieved with antibiotic medications. In most cases, however, a patient ultimately requires surgery. A stent can be placed in the valve to hold it open, or it can be removed completely and the top and bottom sutured together. Additional treatment in the form of surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation is usually needed if cancer is present.