Superconductivity is a property exhibited by some materials at very low temperatures. Superconductors conduct electricity without resistance and perfectly repel magnetic fields in a phenomenon known as the Meissner effect. High temperature superconductors have a critical temperature above 70K and are almost always cuprate-perovskite ceramic. In a superconductor, electrons bind to each other in arrangements called Cooper Pairs, which exhibit superfluidic properties. Scientists are getting closer to discovering a material that can integrate with our electrical grids and electronic projects without incurring huge refrigeration bills.
it is a property exhibited by some materials at very low temperatures.
Materials found to have this property include metals and their alloys
(tin, aluminum and others), some semiconductors and some ceramics
known as cuprates which contain copper and oxygen atoms. A
superconductor conducts electricity without resistance, a single
property. It also perfectly repels magnetic fields in a phenomenon
known as the Meissner effect, losing any magnetic field within it
could have had before being cooled to a critical temperature. Why
of this effect, some can be infinitely floated above a fort
magnetic field.
To qualify for the
most superconducting materials, the critical temperature is less than about
30K (about -406°F or -243°C). Some materials, called
high temperature superconductors, make the phase transition to this
been at much higher critical temperatures, typically above 70 K
(about -334°F or -203°C) and sometimes up to 138K
(about -211°F or -135°C). These materials are almost
always cuprate-perovskite ceramic. They appear slightly different
properties relative to other superconductors and how they transition
it hasn’t been fully explained yet. They are sometimes called type II
superconductors to distinguish them from the more conventional type
The project
The theory of conventional low-temperature superconductors, however, is
got it right. In a conductor, electrons flow through an ion
lattice of atoms, releasing part of their energy into the lattice and
heat the material. This flow is called electricity. Why the
electrons are constantly bumping into the lattice, some of their own
energy is lost and the electric current decreases in intensity as
travels throughout the conductor. This is what is meant by electric
conduction resistance.
a superconductor, the flowing electrons bind to each other in
arrangements called Cooper Pairs, which are to be given a substantial shake-up
of energy to break. The electrons in the Cooper pair exhibit
superfluidic properties, flowing endlessly without resistance. The
extreme cold means that the atoms of its members do not vibrate strongly
enough to separate the Cooper couples. As a result, couples stay
indefinitely bound to each other as long as the temperature remains below
the critical value.
in Cooper the pairs attract each other through the exchange of phonons,
quantized units of vibration, within the vibrating lattice of the
Material. Electrons cannot directly bond with each other in the way that
nucleons do this because they do not experience the so-called
strong force, the “glue” that holds protons together e
neutrons together in the nucleus. Also, electrons are all
negatively charged and consequently repel each other if they get too much
close together. Each electron increases the charge slightly
atomic lattice that surrounds it, creating a network domain of
positive charge which in turn attracts other electrons. The dynamics of
Cooper coupling in conventional superconductors has been described
mathematically from the BCS superconducting theory, developed in 1957
John Bardeen, Leon Cooper and Robert Schrieffer.
scientists continue to discover new materials that superconduct at higher levels
temperatures, are getting closer to discovering a material that
integrate with our electrical grids and electronic projects without incurring
huge refrigeration bills. A major breakthrough was made in 1986 when
JG Bednorz and KA Müller discovered those working at
higher temperatures, by increasing the critical temperature such that the
the necessary coolness could be obtained with liquid nitrogen rather than
with expensive liquid helium. If researchers could uncover more information
materials that could be used in this way, perhaps it would become
economically feasible to transmit electricity for a long time
distances without any loss of power. Also a variety of other applications
exist in particle accelerators, motors, transformers, energy accumulators,
magnetic filters, fMRI scanning and magnetic levitation