The denominator is the bottom number in a fraction, representing the full amount. Improper fractions can be converted to mixed numbers. Finding a common denominator is necessary for adding or subtracting fractions with different denominators. Zero cannot be a denominator.
The denominator is the mathematical terminology used when talking about fractions. Fractions have three parts: the numerator or upper number, the vinculum or line separating numbers which means to divide by, and the denominator or lower number. The fraction actually suggests division. The denominator divides the numerator. In the fraction 3/4, for example, this might read as 3 divided by 4, 75 or 75%.
We often think of the fraction as a part of the whole. The top number represents the number of parts while the bottom number is the full actual amount. One could say that the fraction represents what is used versus what could be used. When children learn fractions, they often learn them based on slices of cake. If there are 8 slices, the whole potential is 8 and that’s the denominator. If 2 slices are removed, there are now only 6/8 or six slices out of a possible eight slices.
Of course, there are cases where the denominators are smaller than the numerators. These are called improper fractions. They’re actually an integer and something that’s left over and can be converted to a mixed number. For example 5/2 can be changed to 2 1/2. Sometimes it’s easier to keep fractions in improper forms until all operations have been completed.
In learning fractions, children begin learning in the third or fourth grade that there are many fractions that represent the same thing. Any fraction multiplied by the same number up and down will still work out to the same decimal or percentage. This information becomes useful when people need to add or subtract fractions that don’t have the same denominator.
When the denominators are the same, only higher numbers are added or subtracted. If they are different, some other operation on fractions must be performed before addition or subtraction can be performed. This is called finding the common denominator.
In the example 1/3 + 1/4, people have to find the common denominator. They do this by looking at the denominators to see what numbers they might be factors into (enter into). In this case, both 3 and 4 go into and are factors of the number 12. The operation therefore consists in converting each fraction into twelfths. This would be achieved by multiplying 1/3 by 4/4 and multiplying 1/4 by 3/3, resulting in the new (but still the same) fractions 4/12 + 3/12. Now you can add fractions (numerators only!) and get the number 7/12.
Operations on fractions can be more difficult, and denominators can sometimes be written as decimals or fractions. These require a little more work. In the simple understanding of the term however, it is very important for people to realize that a number can never be a denominator. The zero can never be placed at the end of the fraction since in mathematical operations it cannot divide any number.