Mold spores are microscopic reproductive structures that float in the air and require moisture to germinate and grow into new mold. They can be found both indoors and outdoors, and efforts must be made to prevent mold growth indoors due to health concerns and damage to surfaces. Mold spores can cause health problems, and when mold is found, it should be removed immediately. Mold spores are impossible to get rid of completely due to their microscopic size. Mold can grow on almost any surface that contains organic material and can cause damage to furniture, walls, and other structures. Health problems caused by mold can range from mild to severe, including allergic reactions, breathing difficulties, and weakened immune systems.
Mold spores are the tiny, microscopic reproductive structures produced by mold. They float in the air and can be found both indoors and outdoors. They require moisture to germinate and start growing into new mold. Mold cannot be prevented outdoors, but due to the damaging effects on home surfaces and health concerns, efforts must be made to prevent mold growth from mold spores indoors. When mold is found indoors, it should be scrapped and removed immediately to prevent potentially serious health problems.
Mold is able to reproduce and multiply by producing microscopic spores that function in a similar way to the seeds produced by plants. They are invisible to the naked eye and so tiny that thousands could fit on the head of a pin. They float in the air like dust and are so small and light that the smallest movement of air can carry them quite far. Present both indoors and out, the concentration of mold spores in the air varies with the season and other conditions, but there are always some present. They are impossible to get rid of completely, even indoors, due to their microscopic size.
Mold spores may float in the air for a while but eventually end up landing on available surfaces. If the surface is dry and inhospitable to growth, that’s the end of their journey. If the surface the spores land on has moisture and nutrients to sustain life, the mold spores will germinate and begin growing into a new mold, also known as a mold bloom. Almost any surface that contains organic material will contain the necessary nutrients; examples include paper, wood, food, earth, and cloth. Humidity levels don’t need to be high to be adequate for growth; a little condensation or residual humidity may suffice.
When mold spores land on a surface and begin to grow, they digest available nutrients from the surface. This digestive process slowly destroys the host’s surface, damaging furniture, walls, and other structures in the internal environment. When mold is detected, it’s important to completely remove all signs of the growth; hard surfaces can be cleaned with a strong detergent or bleach, and absorbent surfaces should be removed and replaced. In addition to cleaning, it is also vital to locate and control the source of moisture to prevent regrowth.
Health problems can be caused by touching mold or inhaling mold spores, and problems can range in severity from mild to severe. Mold produces a variety of irritants and allergens, including toxic substances known as mycotoxins. Millions of people are thought to have allergic reactions to mold; symptoms include runny nose, sneezing, itching, headache, and skin irritation. More serious health problems can include asthma-like breathing difficulties, a pneumonia-like illness called hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and a weakened immune system.