Hydrogen is a colorless, odorless gas that is flammable and the lightest element known in nature. It is essential for life and has three isotopes. Its chemical properties make it highly reactive, and it is an important area of research as a fuel source. Fusion energy production relies on hydrogen compounds, but the process remains experimental due to the tremendous pressures and temperatures required.
The properties of hydrogen include that, in its natural state on Earth, it is a colorless and odorless gas that is extremely flammable. It is the lightest element known in nature, occupying on average 75% of all the mass of the universe in stars, planets and other stellar objects. Hydrogen is also essential for all life on Earth, where it makes up 14% of living matter by weight, as it readily bonds with oxygen to create water and carbon to create the molecules that are the foundation upon which our cells are built. living structures and most organic molecules They are built.
While the most abundant form of hydrogen is protium, where it has only one proton in its atomic nucleus and one electron orbiting the nucleus, two other isotopes of hydrogen also exist. Protium accounts for 99.985% of all naturally occurring hydrogen, and deuterium accounts for nearly 0.015% with one proton and one neutron in the atomic nucleus, giving it twice the mass of protium. Tritium is the third form of hydrogen, which is extremely rare in nature but can be produced artificially. It is unstable and exhibits radioactive decay with a half-life of 12.32 years. It has two neutrons in the atomic nucleus to one proton and is a key compound produced and used in hydrogen bombs to increase their yield, as well as in nuclear fission energy production and nuclear fusion research.
The chemical properties of hydrogen, with only one electron in orbit, make it a highly reactive element that forms bonds with many other elements. In its natural state in the atmosphere, it bonds with another hydrogen atom like oxygen does, to form H2. H2 molecules can also be unique depending on the spin of their nuclei, with H2 molecules where both nuclei spin in the same direction called orthohydrogen and those with opposite spins known as parahydrogen. Orthohydrogen is the most common form of H2 at normal atmospheric pressure and temperature in the gas form, but, when cooled to a liquid form such as rocket fuel, orthohydrogen converts to parahydrogen.
The physical properties of hydrogen and its widespread abundance on Earth’s land and oceans make it an important area of research as a virtually unlimited fuel source. All forms of fossil fuels and alcohols such as gasoline, natural gas and ethanol are composed of hydrocarbon chains in which hydrogen, carbon and sometimes oxygen are bonded together. Separating pure hydrogen as a clean-burning, abundant fuel source is inherently easy, but the force required to free hydrogen from chemical bonds and then cool it for storage often requires more energy than pure hydrogen can generate . For this reason, the properties of hydrogen mean that its most common uses are where it is found in chemical bonds with other elements.
Research into fusion energy production also relies on the chemical properties of the hydrogen compounds deuterium and tritium. The properties of hydrogen used by all stars fuse hydrogen atoms together under intense pressure to release helium and energy in the form of light and heat. Similar pressures are generated in research facilities using powerful magnetic fields, inertial confinement lasers or electrical pulses in the United States, Europe and Japan.
When the fusion of hydrogen atoms occurs, a helium atom is created which carries 20% of the excess energy from the process, and 80% of the energy is carried by a free neutron. This neutron energy or heat is then absorbed by a fluid to create steam and power a turbine to produce electricity. However, the process still remains experimental, as of 2011. This is due to the tremendous pressures that must be maintained to fuse hydrogen atoms together continuously and to make machines capable of withstanding temperatures produced in fusion reaching 212,000,000° Fahrenheit (100,000,000 °Celsius).