Raw cheesecake is a dessert made with raw vegan ingredients, including a crumb crust made from chopped nuts and a filling made from pureed cashews, lemon juice, and sweeteners like raw honey or agave nectar. Spices and pureed fruits can be added for flavor, and popular ingredients like raw cocoa powder or pumpkin puree can be used to create different variations. The cheesecake is refrigerated or frozen until firm, and can still contain sugar and a high amount of calories despite using raw, vegan ingredients.
Raw cheesecake is a popular dessert item often made with raw vegan ingredients mixed together and refrigerated to resemble a traditional baked cheesecake. When making raw cheesecake, the crumb crust is often made with chopped almonds, walnuts, or pecans to resemble the conventional graham cracker crust. Pureed cashews often make up the filling for a raw food cheesecake, blended with lemon juice, raw honey or agave nectar, and coconut oil or cocoa butter. Some raw cheesecakes may contain raw cocoa powder for a chocolate cheesecake, pumpkin or pumpkin puree for a fall treat.
Most traditional cheesecakes use a graham cracker cookie crust, but raw cheesecake often uses peanuts such as almonds, walnuts, and pecans as the base. Coconut oil and dates can often be combined in the crust to form a firmer cheesecake base, resulting in a richer, sweeter crust. A raw cheesecake can also use spices like cinnamon and ginger in the crust to form a holiday-inspired flavor, with a little salt to enhance the overall flavor of the ingredients. Once chilled for a specified amount of time, a raw crust can often resemble that of a traditionally baked cheesecake crust in both flavor and texture.
The filling of an uncooked cheesecake often contains a smooth nut such as cashews mixed with a small amount of liquid until smooth and creamy. Lemon juice is often used as one of the liquid ingredients to mimic the slightly tart taste in traditional cheesecakes. Because a raw ingredient cheesecake needs to be firm after refrigeration, melted coconut oil or cocoa butter is often blended into the filling to enhance the firmness of the dessert. Raw honey or agave nectar is often the sweetener of choice in the filling of a raw cheesecake, as are pureed fruits such as dates or apples.
Popular ingredients like raw cacao or raw chocolate powder are blended into a raw cheesecake filling to resemble a traditional chocolate cheesecake dessert. Raw pumpkin puree with various spices, while a bit tough, is sometimes used with the filling to create a raw pumpkin cheesecake. Nearly all raw cheesecakes are refrigerated or frozen until firm, as the puree filling can often melt if left at room temperature. Even if a raw cheesecake uses vegan ingredients that haven’t been cooked, a raw ingredient cheesecake can still contain sugar and a high amount of calories.