Honey cookies come in many variations, with oatmeal and honey being a popular choice. German honey cookies are soft and chewy, while older versions focused on taste over nutrition. Spices like cinnamon and nutmeg are often added, and nuts can provide a counterpoint to the sweetness.
Honey cookies are, technically, all cookies with honey inside. A more specific definition would be that they are all biscuits in which honey is one of the predominant flavours. Even with this narrower definition, there are hundreds of different versions of honey biscuits. One of the most popular is the version with oatmeal and honey. German honey cookies are usually plain and use white flour and shortening to make them soft and chewy. Other versions include sweet spices, nuts and even fruit.
Many bakers looking for natural and nutritious cookie ingredients enjoy making them with oatmeal and honey. Oatmeal contains fiber, protein and nutrients while honey is a natural sweetener and can strengthen the immune system. This type of cookie may include wheat flour to help the oats stick together and applesauce in place of oil or shortening. Nuts, such as dates and apricots, can also make their way into these treats, providing extra fiber and sweetness.
Older versions of honey cookies usually focus on taste and texture rather than nutrition. The German-style honey cookies featured both honey and white sugar, to make them even sweeter. In these recipes, flavored honey was sometimes used to showcase the unique taste of this ingredient. Cinnamon and citrus versions were popular, as was vanilla. Bakers sometimes added dried orange or lemon zest to give brightness to these cookies. Tips like this can be used in any honey cookie recipe.
While many bakers enjoy simple honey cookies, others feel the need to season them with additional flavors, such as spices. Some of the more popular ones are cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, ginger and cardamom. All of these spices are spicy, warming and sometimes considered aphrodisiacs. The use of spices in honey biscuits may be a throwback to some past customs, when newlyweds traditionally feasted on honey cakes to encourage a sweet life, prosperity and fertility. The color of the honey represented wealth, while the spices were meant to help the couple enjoy each other.
Another version of the honey biscuits emphasizes the sweetness with nuts. Nuts generally have an inherent salty, salty flavor that serves as a tasty counterpoint to the honey. Almonds, roasted walnuts, pumpkin seeds and even cashews help keep the sweetness from becoming overwhelming. These cookies can also contain mashed pumpkin, sweet potato or banana to make them seasonal and more filling. Dark chocolate and vanilla chips can also enhance the flavors of honey, especially if it’s infused with other flavors.