Rhus dermatitis is an allergic skin reaction caused by contact with oils from plants such as poison oak, poison ivy, and poison sumac. Symptoms include skin irritation, inflammation, itching, and blisters. Treatment includes keeping the affected area clean, applying topical cream, and seeking medical attention if symptoms persist.
Rhus dermatitis is a type of allergic skin reaction that occurs when a person comes into contact with oils secreted by certain types of plants. The most common sources of rhus dermatitis are poison oak, poison ivy, and poison sumac, although other plants in the Rhus or Toxicodendron genera can also cause contact rashes. An individual is likely to experience severe skin irritation, inflammation, itching, and blisters that can last for several days. Healing time can usually be shortened by keeping the affected area of skin clean and applying a topical cream to relieve itching and irritation.
Plants such as poison ivy and poison sumac produce an oil called urushiol that is highly irritating to most people’s skin. An individual who comes into direct contact with oil or picks up traces from clothing or camping supplies is likely to suffer from rhus dermatitis. Urushiol on the skin stimulates the immune system to release antibodies to attack foreign particles. It is the body’s response, rather than the vegetable oil itself, that causes the inflammation and other symptoms.
In most cases, the rash produced in rhus dermatitis first appears at the site of contact and spreads over time to affect a larger area of the body. Common symptoms include persistent itching, red streaks on the skin, and mild burning sensations. Over time, the skin may begin to blister and ooze a milky pus. Mild cases tend to resolve in about a week, but a person who is highly allergic to or exposed to a large amount of urushiol may experience symptoms for a month or more without treatment.
Most cases of rhus dermatitis can be treated effectively at home. If a person knows they have just touched a plant, a reaction can sometimes be discouraged by washing the area with antibacterial soap and water. Once a rash appears, however, washing won’t help relieve symptoms. Applying ice and lotion to the affected body part can help numb the pain and relieve itching, and using an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream can reduce inflammation. You should contact a doctor if the rash is not resolved by home treatments.
A doctor can typically carefully inspect rhus dermatitis and determine the best way to treat it. Patients are often prescribed high-strength topical or oral antihistamines to reduce symptoms of inflammation and itching. Steroid drugs are given to stop the immune system from responding in severe cases. Doctors can also help people better understand the condition and learn how to prevent exposure and subsequent rhus dermatitis in the future.