A Gaussian pyramid is a series of images created by blurring and subsampling an original image. It is used in various image processing techniques, including computer graphics and computer vision. The pyramid is created using mathematical formulas and can be applied to grayscale or color images. The Laplacian pyramid is a similar concept. The technique can be used multiple times on the same image and is suitable for use with sophisticated computer graphics programs.
A Gaussian pyramid is a series of images, typically processed by a computer, which are often continuously regenerated. When an image is blurred and a subset of it is produced, a set of images with one smaller than the last is usually the result of the calculation. Pixels, or the smallest individual parts of an image, usually occupy more average content than they do in the previous image; generally, pixels correspond to different levels of a pyramid, the top representing the original image and the lower levels representing subsequent images.
Various image processing techniques involve the use of Gaussian pyramid calculations. Computer graphics texture synthesis is one application, while computer vision applications also often use the principle. The first level of the pyramid, called the k level, is usually processed by generating a Gaussian blur first, before a subsample from within an image is generated; the next stage is usually called level k+1. A process called convolution is often performed during this stage, which typically involves averaging the intensity in a certain part of an image.
Calculating each step of the Gaussian pyramid generally requires a series of mathematical formulas. These integrate trigonometry principles, derivatives, and functions; long equations can be used to solve image processing problems. Texture is something that computer systems deal with, because it often has regular patterns that repeat, and there are various other types of patterns as well. A Gaussian pyramid is typically used for grayscale images, but can also be applied to different parts of the color spectrum.
The concept is similar to the Laplacian pyramid, which refers more to the grouping of points on graphs. In the case of an image, these points can correspond to pixels. Computer software is often used to perform the calculations needed to produce the images associated with a Gaussian pyramid. The programming code is typically designed to allow software to automatically perform calculations as an image is generated. Such mathematical calculations are called algorithms and can be used to alter image pixels; desired properties may be retained, while undesirable properties may be removed.
Various image filtering methods may include processing techniques associated with the Gaussian pyramid. Linear filtering is often used, while images with corrupted data can be processed using non-linear filters to remove noise or distortions produced by unwanted data. The Gaussian pyramid technique can be used multiple times on the same image, which generally makes it suitable for use with sophisticated computer graphics programs.