Pop-under ads appear behind the main browser window and can accumulate unnoticed until the window is closed. While less intrusive than pop-ups, they can still be annoying and are often ignored. Some businesses choose this method as it is less intrusive, but it’s unclear how effective they are. Many people simply close all windows and exit the browser.
The pop-under ad is a variation of the pop-up ad on the Internet. While many people are increasingly annoyed by ads appearing in front of the window they are browsing, they are less likely to notice a pop-under ad as it appears behind the main browser window and a number of these can accumulate or go unnoticed until closed of the window. Thus, there is left a variety of advertisements that cannot necessarily be identified from a particular site, especially if a person has viewed many different sites. Some people believe this is a less intrusive type of advertising than pop-ups because people are no longer focused on looking at a certain site; this is a moot point.
While advertisers may view the pop-under ad favorably, the average internet searcher doesn’t necessarily share this view. It can be annoying or disturbing to find numerous pop-unders left over when you close a browser window, especially since the ads might be about things unrelated to your recent searches. It’s hard to trust their origin or claims, and short of closing all windows or exiting a browser, it can take some work to close them all. A critical minority appreciate this ad extra, but it’s not really clear whether most people do this or it will take some time to see the ads. That doesn’t mean that companies find this form of advertising unviable; many companies choose to employ it regardless of the large number of people who may ignore them.
When pop-up ads first became popular, major browser manufacturers immediately set to work eliminating these ads, due to the negative impact they often have on the load time of desired web content. Some of the biggest browser companies have pop-up and pop-under blockers. For those who don’t mind pop-unders, it may be possible to block pop-ups without blocking pop-unders. Some browsers won’t even crash if people prefer to see advertisements from the sites or affiliates of the sites they visit.
One reason businesses may choose to advertise this way is because it’s a much less intrusive way to approach a customer. Pop-unders usually don’t interfere with browsing, although a complex one can still slow down loading time. To avoid this, ads should be simple and free from elements such as sound or moving images, or should not load until other windows are closed. The person hosting a page doesn’t want visitors to have to close the page and look for sources of page loading problems. The main goal of the page should not be intruded upon by a flashy ad that directs people elsewhere, unless the main goal of the page is to make money through advertising.
However, it’s unclear how many people will actually read the ads or visit pop-under affiliate sites. Many people simply close all windows and close the browser when they are done surfing the web. However, advertisers still think these ads make good sense.