Rou Gui is a type of oolong tea grown in China, known for its cinnamon scent and spicy notes. Oolong tea is partially oxidized and can produce complex flavors. It is best brewed in traditional Chinese teaware, allowing for multiple infusions to sample different flavor nuances.
Rou gui is a type of oolong tea that is grown and brewed in China. Its name actually means cinnamon, partly because its leaves smell faintly of cinnamon and make for a cup of tea with spicy notes. Rou Gui is famous as one of Wuyi oolong tea, sometimes known as rock oolong, because it grows in an area with soil enriched by volcanic rock. Like many oolongs, this tea can typically withstand multiple ways of brewing, often delivering different flavors and aromas with each successive brew.
While all true tea is produced from the Camellia sinensis plant, there are significant differences between the various teas given the varieties of the plant, its growing conditions, and the processing methods used to make the tea ready for sale and consumption. The distinctions between black, green and oolong teas, for example, have to do with the degree of oxidation allowed during processing. For example, green tea cannot oxidize, but is heated immediately after plucking to halt oxidation. Black tea, on the other hand, is typically crushed or rolled after picking in order to break down its cell walls and allow for complete oxidation. Oolong tea is partially oxidized and the amount of oxidation that occurs varies considerably based on the type of tea.
Partial oxidation of oolong teas can produce some remarkably complex flavors, such as that of rou gui. Dried rou gui leaf is typically dark brown and slightly twisted. Like many other oolong rocks, rou gui is also typically roasted. The amount of roasting depends on the decisions made by the tea master, who supervises the production of the tea. Some people like a heavily roasted tea, while others find tea with a lighter roast forgoes the more subtle flavors of true leaf tea.
Rou gui or any oolong tea can be prepared in a variety of different ways, but many people find it is best prepared in traditional Chinese teaware, such as a covered cup, also known as a gaiwan, or a small teapot. A typical method of brewing oolong tea for maximum flavor is to use a large amount of leaves and a small amount of hot water. Initially the tea is allowed to brew for about 30 seconds, but subsequent infusions may take a little longer. These multiple steps not only help keep oolong tea within reach, but allow tea drinkers to sample different flavor nuances as the leaves continue to infuse.