Antivirus software searches and removes computer viruses from files. Different types are optimized for different devices, operating systems, and cost structures. Some are cloud-based, while others are stored locally. Specialized software is available for particularly difficult viruses.
Computer programs with the purpose of searching for computer viruses in a computer’s files and removing those viruses are referred to as antivirus software. There are many different types of antivirus software programs that are optimized for different purposes and different types of electronic devices. Some types, for example, are constantly running in the background with the goal of identifying and removing any file containing a virus before it has a chance to do any harm. Others are designed to periodically scan all files on a computer for viruses on a schedule set by the user, without running continuously in the background. Additionally, some types of antivirus software programs are designed specifically for certain computer operating systems, while others are optimized for computer networks or mobile devices.
One of the main differences between the various types of antivirus software is the cost. Many types operate on a subscription basis and require users to pay a monthly or yearly fee to continue receiving updates. Others are completely free but do not guarantee that updates are regular or reliable. Regardless, they usually perform comparably and are generally sufficient for the causal computer user. The frequent updates provided by subscription services are often suitable for use by businesses that need to pay particular attention to the protection and retention of data stored on their computer systems.
Some types of antivirus software programs are cloud-based, while others are stored entirely on the local computer system. Cloud-based systems store most of the information needed to scan a computer for viruses on an external server. If a virus disables a computer’s access to the Internet, however, these types of antivirus software programs aren’t particularly useful. Antivirus programs stored on a computer’s local hard drive do not have this problem, but they take up more hard drive space and must be manually updated on a regular basis to keep up with new virus threats.
Some specific computer viruses can be particularly difficult to remove, so some types of antivirus software programs are highly specialized in neutralizing such computer threats. In general, such software should be installed after infection with specialized viruses. These types of antivirus software programs can then run the necessary processes to remove the virus. The main difficulty with such programs is that many of the more harmful viruses make it very difficult to install new software while the virus is active.