Geriatric medicine aims to prolong life and improve quality of life for the elderly through various treatments, including technology and specialized fields. “Geriatric giants” such as infection and cognitive impairment are common issues. Geriatric doctors must also address legal topics and monitor polypharmacy.
Medical treatment of the elderly population by geriatricians includes everything from herbal supplements to organ transplants, all in an effort to prolong life span and increase quality of life. As Ponce de Leon would have discovered nearly 500 years ago, there is no such thing as a fountain of youth. The modern version of the story involves people living longer thanks to geriatric medicine.
Health problems can affect both young and old, but there is considerable study of geriatric medicine, which focuses on caring for older people. There is no fixed age when a patient is referred to a different doctor for treatment of ailments related to the elderly. This typically happens gradually as physical deficiencies show up through the normal aging process. There is, however, a difference between aging and disease, and geriatric medicine can focus on both.
There are five areas of medicine that occur most frequently with older patients. These are known as the “geriatric giants” and are infection, incontinence, instability, immobility and cognitive impairment. While any of these can affect a child or an adult, older people are more susceptible.
Geriatric medicine has long since broken away from internal medicine as a specialty. Nowadays, doctors are becoming more specialized, with narrow fields of study such as geriatric rheumatology or geriatric nephrology. More often than not, technology plays a big role in geriatric medicine. New technologies enable greater understanding of the complex interactions of a person’s major systems, such as the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. As the large population of baboomers ages, new technology also allows for more remote monitoring of the elderly.
The field of geriatric medicine has its own unique set of problems due to diseases with declining brain function, such as Alzheimer’s disease or general dementia. It is about addressing issues related to patients not being able to make decisions for themselves. A geriatric doctor must be familiar with legal topics such as advance directives, living wills, and powers of attorney. He must also be familiar with state and federal laws that deal with the care of one person under the direction of another.
Many older adults experience what is known as polypharmacy, where many drugs are prescribed at the same time, either accidentally or on purpose. With the wide range of side effects that can come from any prescription, it’s easy to see how complicated it can be when it comes to several. Many drugs interact with each other and can produce dangerous side effects. Geriatric specialists can help monitor patients.