Rubella rash starts on the face or neck and spreads to the torso and extremities, resembling measles. It causes discomfort and peeling of the skin. Rubella also causes fever, swollen lymph nodes, headaches, joint pains, fatigue, runny nose, and conjunctivitis. Vaccination has made rubella rare, but fears of a link to autism have caused an increase in cases.
A rubella rash is not the first sign of rubella, but it is the disease’s most easily identifiable symptom. As the disease runs its course, the rash will start on the face or neck before spreading to the torso and extremities, looking similar to a rash caused by measles. In fact, rubella is commonly referred to as German measles due to the similarity of these rashes.
The rubella rash usually appears first on the neck or face and is often the first symptom seen. There will be a small area of irritation, visible as a pink spot or area of dots. These spots are just under the skin, and the rash might be mistaken for hives, but a rubella rash won’t be raised or irritated like hives. Rubella does not cause severe swelling or blisters, and if these symptoms are visible, rubella can be ruled out as the likely cause.
As the disease progresses, the rubella rash will spread rapidly over the torso, arms, and legs, typically covering the entire body within hours. The buttocks are probably the most severely affected area. This rash can cause considerable discomfort and the patient will be prone to scratching. Scratching can cause further irritation and should be discouraged.
Rubella rashes take three to five days to clear up and cause the skin to peel as it does. By the end of the second day, the rubella rash will begin to fade, and this rapid fading is another indicator that the rubella was responsible for triggering the rash. When this rash fades, it leaves the skin dry and damaged. Dry skin falls off as small flakes first, exposing the healthy skin underneath.
Changes in the skin are not the first visible symptoms of rubella, and being aware of the early signs of rubella will help identify the rash. The patient will experience fever before any rash is visible. Most often, it is a low-grade fever, which typically stays below 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 degrees Celsius). Patients who have rubella might also experience swollen lymph nodes, which can be identified by feeling gently behind the patient’s ears.
Teens and adults may experience additional symptoms. Headaches and joint pains are all common symptoms of rubella. Fatigue, a runny nose, and mild conjunctivitis are also likely. When these symptoms are present, it may be helpful to check for a rubella rash.
Vaccination had made rubella rare in most developed countries, but in the 1990s and into the first decade of the 21st century, reports linking the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine to autism disheartened some parents. from vaccinating their children. Subsequent studies disputed the findings of this first report, finding no correlation between MMR vaccination and autism, but were unable to categorically prove the link to be unfounded, meaning many people’s fears remained. . As a result, the number of rubella cases has increased dramatically over these decades.