Ginkgo tea is made by steeping dried ginkgo leaves in hot water and can be consumed hot or cold. It is believed to enhance mental abilities, but its health benefits have not been confirmed by the FDA. It can be flavored with various herbs and should not be used as a sole remedy for any ailment.
Ginkgo tea, which is also commonly referred to as “bilboa ginkgo tea,” is a drink made when the dried leaves of the ginkgo tree are steeped in hot water. The tea can be consumed shortly after adding the leaves to hot water or the tea can be chilled and served as a cold drink. Many tea companies that sell ginkgo tea combine ginkgo leaves with various other herbs and teas to create a pleasing flavor and aroma. Also, it is quite common for such companies to advertise a number of health benefits of the tea on the package.
Although most of the health benefits of ginkgo tea have not been evaluated or confirmed by official Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sources, there are many people who believe that the tea lives up to the promises printed on its package. Gingko tea, which is caffeine-free unless mixed with caffeinated tea such as green tea or white tea, is believed to support and enhance mental abilities. Some companies that sell ginkgo tea advertise it as a tonic to help improve mental clarity and performance while improving memory.
In most cases, ginkgo tea is made with one tea bag per cup of boiling water. The tea bag or tea bags are steeped for ten to 15 minutes before being removed from the water. If the tea drinker prefers a stronger brew, two bags per cup of ginkgo tea can be used. Some tea sellers suggest that to increase mental abilities, one should consume a cup of tea every three to four hours. As with all products that make claims that have not been confirmed by the FDA, it is important not to use them as a sole remedy for any ailment. All medical ailments and concerns should be discussed with a medical professional.
There are a number of herbs that are used to flavor ginkgo tea. Some of the more common herbs are peppermint leaf and spearmint leaf. Dried or powdered roots like licorice root and ginger root are also common additions to ginkgo tea blends. Lemongrass, dried lemon peel, cinnamon bark, and basil leaf are also ingredients that can be found in ginkgo leaf beers. In some cases, the mixture will also include an extract of ginkgo leaves.