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What’s a pool lifeguard’s job?


Pool lifeguards have multiple responsibilities beyond rescuing swimmers in distress. They ensure pool safety, teach basic pool safety, maintain the pool, keep accurate records of pool usage, and look after equipment. Lifeguards must be certified and trained in basic life-saving techniques.

While some people assume that a pool lifeguard essentially shows up for the job and does nothing but help swimmers in distress, the fact is that lifeguard jobs involve multiple tasks, many that the general public never see. . While the exact scope of responsibilities assigned to a pool lifeguard varies somewhat from one job to another, there are a number of tasks that are likely to be involved in any lifeguard job.

The primary focus of every pool lifeguard is the safety of all people using the pool during their shift. From this perspective, this means that the lifeguard functions as the authority figure around the pool, ensuring that the rules and regulations applicable to the use of the facilities are observed. Often the lifeguard has the authority to eject someone from the pool if their behavior becomes unruly and is a threat to the safety of everyone else in the pool.

The pool lifeguard is also often called upon to teach basic pool safety. This can involve everything from working with children to make sure they know how to use flotation devices properly, to reminding people not to run around the edge of the pool. In some situations, the lifeguard may teach pool safety in the classroom, going over basic concepts such as resuscitation techniques, basic first aid, or even providing information on how to avoid sunburn.

Behind the scenes, a pool lifeguard is usually involved in the maintenance of the pool itself. This means ensuring the water is filtering properly and routinely testing the water’s chlorine levels to ensure they are at adequate levels. A lifeguard may also be responsible for draining and cleaning the pool from time to time, as well as inspecting any lounges or other amenities located by the pool. Sometimes these tasks are performed jointly with other employees; however, in smaller installations, the lifeguard can handle these tasks on his own.

A pool lifeguard is also often responsible for keeping accurate records of pool usage. This is especially true of public pools, where people pay a small fee to enjoy the pool. The lifeguard can actually take the money, keep the accounting records and give the day’s receipts to the employer at the end of the day.

It is not uncommon for the lifeguard to be responsible for looking after your equipment. This means washing swimwear and lifeguard shirts, examining and repairing lifeguard chairs positioned near the pool, and ensuring first aid kits are fully stocked at all times. Often these tasks are performed during hours when the pool is closed or when another lifeguard is actively supervising the pool.

In order to function as a pool lifeguard, a candidate must apply for and secure lifeguard certification. He or she will also be trained in basic life-saving techniques, including administering first aid. This helps ensure that the individual assigned to the pool lifeguard role can successfully handle the primary responsibility of all lifeguards – keeping people safe.
