Online answering machines include virtual services, software-based machines, and those with multiple mailboxes. Call forwarding and automatic answering options are available, and some machines connect to a computer for caller ID and message recording.
There are several types of online answering machines. Among the most common are Internet answering service companies that work much like virtual answering machines. In this category, a person can find single or multiple voicemail options, as well as options that incorporate call forwarding features. Additionally, a person can also choose a software-based machine that answers calls when the user’s phone line is connected to his or her computer.
Many online answering machines work the same way as regular answering machines. With this type of answering service, there is a single mailbox where one person’s voicemail messages are deposited. An individual can record a personal message for his callers to hear and then specify the number of rings before the call is answered. For example, some people may want one caller to hear three rings while another may want their calls to be answered immediately for service. You can also specify the maximum number of seconds each caller will have to record his message.
Another type of online answering machine is intended for more than one user or for more than one purpose. This type includes multiple mailboxes on the same account and allows a caller to use an extension number or phone key prompt to choose who they want to leave a message with. This type can come in handy for a business with several employees or even a family that wants to keep each member’s messages separate and private. It may also be appropriate for a business that has several departments and wants to keep messages for each of them separate.
Some types of online answering machines are combined with call forwarding components while others involve a phone number that is always answered by the service. For example, if a person chooses a service combined with call forwarding, calls to their voice mail phone number are routed to their home, work, or mobile number, allowing them to answer calls if available. If he doesn’t answer calls for a predetermined number of rings, however, the service answers for him. Other online options simply provide services that automatically answer all calls.
An individual may also consider online answering machines operated through computer software. With this type, the user actually connects his phone to his computer, which acknowledges calls via its modem. When receiving calls, he can see the phone number – and sometimes the name – of the caller on his computer screen and decide whether to answer it or not. If he chooses not to, the software can record a message. Some will even allow a person to listen to messages while callers record them.