Eating a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein can strengthen the immune system and prevent disease. Foods high in antioxidants, such as blueberries, walnuts, spinach, and broccoli, are particularly beneficial. Zinc and selenium found in meat, fish, beans, and nuts can also boost the immune system.
There are many different immune system foods that, when eaten as part of a healthy diet, help strengthen the immune system and may help prevent disease. These tend to be the foods that are high in antioxidants; These include vitamins C and E, as well as beta-carotene, which belongs to the broader category of carotenoids. Other nutrients include zinc and selenium, which can also help boost the immune system. The best sources of these vitamins and minerals often include fruits and vegetables, as well as certain sources of protein such as tuna or different varieties of nuts.
It’s best not to wait until you’re sick to start eating immune-boosting foods. Instead, try to eat a healthy diet as much as possible every day, one that is rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and protein. This will help strengthen your immune system and make you less likely to get sick in the first place. If you do get sick, continuing to eat this healthy diet can help shorten the duration and lessen the severity of your illness. Eating foods rich in antioxidants is not only good for the immune system, but can even help prevent heart disease and cancer; It is also great for the skin and general well-being.
Certain immune system foods that are high in antioxidants are often referred to as “superfoods.” These include fruits like blueberries and oranges, nuts like walnuts, and leafy greens or vegetables like spinach and broccoli. Entire lists can be found by searching online, but these are all great immune system foods. However, in general, any fruit or vegetable you eat is beneficial to the immune system. A good rule of thumb is to choose the most colorful fruits and vegetables for the greatest nutritional benefits.
Of course, fruits and vegetables aren’t the only foods for the immune system. Zinc, which is a great immune booster, is found in many different sources of protein, including meat, fish, beans, and nuts. Selenium is often found in these sources as well, and certain grain products are also fortified with selenium. Your best bet in general is to eat as balanced a diet as possible and look for whole foods for the best sources of antioxidants as well as other vitamins and minerals.