The conversation test assesses whether a person is exercising at the right level by evaluating their ability to communicate while exercising. It can also be used to determine if someone is exercising too much or too little. The test is a good measure for those with excellent fitness levels but may not be ideal for those who need slower-paced exercise.
The conversation test is an easy method to assess whether a person is exercising enough, too much, or just at the right level, by determining the degree to which a person can communicate while exercising. This method has been in use for some time, but ongoing testing shows that there is real scientific support for its use. In a series of research experiments evaluating the speaking test, the standards for measuring exercise ability are shown to be nearly identical to the standards used to measure speaking ability.
There are different ways the speaking test can be administered and these may depend on whether a person is alone or exercising with another person. Essentially, anyone who is able to carry on a conversation with another person or, if alone, recite a little poem or something like the Pledge of Allegiance, is probably not working to their full capacity. Talking without interruptions suggests that the heart rate is lower and the cardiovascular demand on the body is not high enough.
Conversely, the person who can say a few words but can’t hold a full conversation or recite a few lines of a poem is probably working at their best. This is the goal for most people administering a speaking test. They want to be somewhat out of breath, able to talk a little, but cannot say many words together without any effort.
The talk test can also be used to measure when people are exercising too much. If it’s almost impossible to talk and if a person is so out of breath that they can’t get a word out, it’s time to slow down. This might mean continuing an activity but doing it at a slower pace so breathing isn’t too labored and you can talk a bit.
While this test is a good measure for people who have excellent fitness levels, it may not be the ideal test for those who need slower-paced exercise. If a person is told to exercise well below maximum heart rate, they may need to stay in talking range, rather than progressing to barely talking activity range. This is a good topic to discuss with a doctor, especially if a person has heart or breathing problems.
For those in good shape, the speaking test provides a shortcut. It is much easier than measuring your heart rate and determining if you are reaching maximum efficiency in the exercise. Since conversation levels appear to be closely linked to exercise efficiency levels, such a test may be a useful alternative.