Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is a distance vector routing protocol used to determine the distance and direction of information on a network. It uses the number of hops and direction to create a network map, but its limitations have led to its replacement by more adaptive protocols.
Routing information protocol is a method of determining the distance and direction that information moves on a network or the Internet. This protocol uses distance vector routing, one of the two primary methods for mapping network spaces. About every 30 seconds, a Routing Information Protocol-based router will send an information packet to nearby routers telling them what it knows about the connected network. This information is used to find the easiest path from one network location to another, speeding up network transmissions.
The two factors that the routing information protocol uses to create a network map are distance and direction. None of these terms have standard measurement values. Management is the final destination of its information. Distance is the number of hops (each bottleneck, unpath, location) it takes to get there.
The most common hops on a network are other routers. These hops take information that travels across the network or Internet and reroute it based on their knowledge of the network. The routing information protocol bases the distance on the number of hops made; the more hops, the worse the route. This protocol limits the number of jumps used to 15. Any more jumps and the distance is considered infinite and will not be transmitted.
The direction is both the destination of the information and the address of the next hop in the system. The protocol attempts to find the shortest distance based on direction. For example, the system calculates the distance of the route by taking two points, the start point and the end point, as fixed. It then determines the direction of all nearby hops, then of all those connected to them. If a particular hop takes information in the wrong direction, which often means it forms a loop, the path is discarded.
This protocol relies on constant updates from neighboring systems. These updates contain any new or changed information about the immediate network. As each router based on routing information protocol receives this information, the entire network is constantly being remapped. This will allow the routing system to make the best decisions for its information paths.
For the most part, the routing information protocol is a dead technology. The methods it uses require too much bandwidth and network time. When networks were smaller and the Internet less complicated, it worked well, but now its limitations are too great for many systems to circumvent. It has been replaced with routing protocols that are more adaptive and less centralized than hardware systems.