Ethical hacking tools used in penetration testing are similar to those used by malicious hackers. They locate a target network, gain access, crack passwords, and test security against attacks. Tools include network and vulnerability scanners, password cracking software, file and database scanners, and exploit software. Some tools simulate attacks for service disruption, such as DoS attacks, while others determine how a hacker might intercept traffic to extract sensitive information.
The ethical hacking tools used by penetration testing are often identical or very similar to the tools used by malicious hackers. An ethical hacking toolset helps locate a target network, wireless or otherwise, find a way to gain access to the network, and then crack any password or other security in place to prevent such access. Another set of tools is used once access to a network is gained, enabling rapid file scanning, detection of operating system vulnerabilities, and penetration of a secure database to extract information. A whole separate set of tools is employed to test the readiness of a website or online service against attacks such as denial of service (DoS) or exploitation of web-based applications.
One of the ethical hacking tools used when testing the security of a system is called a network scanner. This software can locate wireless signals otherwise hidden to normal software and can help locate wired Internet network addresses. This allows a tester to find an access point in a network to begin testing internal security. Network vulnerability scanners can be used once an access point has been found, providing the tester with a list of the hardware and software used on the network. At this point, password cracking software can be employed to try permutations of alphanumeric strings to find a password or to trace network protocols in an attempt to extract the password from an intercepted data packet.
Within a network, one of the most valuable ethical hacking tools is a vulnerability scanner. There are several types available, but their basic concept is to identify the hardware and software used and then use the specific vulnerabilities they contain to gain more critical access to areas within the system. On very secure networks, there are also ways across different configurations or operating systems for a hacker to take administrative control over a system.
Within a system, utilities such as file scanners can be used to quickly isolate information. Database scanners can find hidden vulnerabilities to allow an entire database to be transferred off the network. Exploit software can help find which exploitable bugs or errors need to be fixed to prevent a system from being fully taken over by an intruder.
A whole range of ethical hacking tools are designed not to break into a network for data harvesting, but instead help simulate attacks aimed at pure service disruption. These include programs that perform DoS attacks, overload a server and potentially shut it down for some time, and tools that can damage a web server, set up a fake proxy address for visitors, or even change the way data is entered and issued by a web application script. There are also ethical hacking tools that can help determine how and if a real hacker might intercept traffic to and from a website, allowing them to extract credit card or password information from users, despite encryption protocols.