Garden tourism involves visiting remarkable gardens, either with a guide or independently. It can support conservation projects and is popular among plant lovers, with options ranging from neighborhood garden walks to international tours. Travelers should research and plan ahead to ensure garden availability.
Travelers who engage in garden tourism visit remarkable gardens. In some cases, garden tourism involves guided tours where a group of people travel with an expert guide who takes the group to various garden sites. Some people, however, engage in garden tourism without the services of a guide and instead rely on information gleaned from friends, guides, or websites when selecting gardens to visit. Many gardens encourage visitors, as revenue from admission fees and garden attractions can help support conservation projects that preserve vulnerable plant species within private and public botanical gardens.
Many people enjoy being able to observe and interact with a variety of plant species. In some cases, these people are gardeners themselves, while in other cases they simply enjoy the plant life. These plant lovers will often seek out opportunities to visit gardens while traveling or even when closer to home.
In some communities, gardening is a popular pastime, with many homeowners taking the time to grow impressive gardens on their properties. A very common type of garden tourism is the so-called garden walk, in which a neighborhood or community group publishes a list of notable gardens along with a map, allowing the curious to walk to various private gardens. In some cases, garden walks are also combined with neighborhood parties or festivals, especially in the summer.
More ambitious types of garden tourism may involve travel to other countries and regions. Some travel companies, especially those that specialize in green travel or green travel, offer plenty of escorted garden tourism options to travelers. These may include hiring a coach to take groups of travelers to famous botanical gardens within a particular region. This option has the advantage of being able to negotiate group rates on entrance tickets to the gardens. Tourists may also appreciate having access to the expertise of a knowledgeable guide.
Even if a traveler prefers independence while on vacation and doesn’t want to join a group tour, they still have some affordable and interesting garden tourism options. These include completing research on famous gardens in advance of travel and then including visits to gardens in your travel itinerary. Another option is to book individual group tours of the gardens. Many walking tour companies, for example, organize their own garden walks or conduct day garden tours by coach. In all cases, however, a traveler should take the time to ensure that the gardens are open when they visit, as some may be closed to visitors during the winter months.