Children with ADHD have weaker working memory compared to those without, which can affect their ability to focus and resist distraction. Working memory is part of the brain’s executive function and involves storing, retrieving, and processing information to achieve a goal. The connection between working memory and ADHD is more related to inattention than hyperactivity, and children with the inattentive subtype of ADHD have more trouble with activities that require working memory. There are no medical tests for ADHD, and additional support is needed for children with working memory deficits.
The specific causes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are unknown, but tests in children have shown a link between working memory and ADHD. Children with ADHD have clear weaknesses in working memory compared to children who don’t. These deficits range from mild to severe.
As yet, there are no medical or clinical tests that can determine if someone has ADHD or if a child may develop the disorder. Scientists and researchers, however, have identified it as a complicated neurobiological condition caused by several contributing factors. It is thought that both genes and the environment can cause changes in the developing brain. These changes can have an effect on a child’s behavior and ability to learn.
Working memory is considered part of the executive function of the brain. Executive functions are things like planning, scheduling, managing time, and focusing on specific tasks. In working on tasks that require sustained focus and effort, it is a person’s working memory that helps control attention and resist distraction. It is different from short-term memory, in that short-term memory works to process information and store it momentarily for immediate use. For example, repeating a phone number or simple driving directions uses short-term memory.
Working memory is more complex and involves storing, retrieving and processing information to achieve a specific goal, such as solving a math problem. However, it can only contain a certain amount of information. A child with ADHD experiences cognitive difficulties when there is a lot of information to memorize while completing a task. Indeed, a child with ADHD has a smaller mental workspace. This narrow working space means that working memory and ADHD have a strong connection in regards to working memory deficits.
Compared with other children, children with ADHD of the same age perform poorer on both verbal and written working memory tasks. Poor performance on these tasks cannot be linked to reading disabilities or other learning disabilities. Studies have shown that the connection between working memory and ADHD is more related to the inattention aspect of ADHD rather than hyperactivity.
Children with the inattentive subtype of ADHD have more trouble with activities that require the use of working memory. Children found to be at risk for problems with numeracy and literacy also scored lower on tests designed to measure working memory levels. These same children showed more behavioral problems than their peers, suggesting an early connection between working memory weakness and behavioral problems. The relationship between working memory and ADHD was not found to be affected by ADHD medications or dosage levels. Children with ADHD require additional support at home and at school to compensate for working memory deficits.