Foreign investment revenues indicate a strong national economy and can be direct (buying physical assets) or indirect (buying financial assets). It can also involve sharing technology or participating in joint ventures. There are different ways to interpret the entry numbers, including looking at the net income and proportional relationship between incoming and outgoing money.
Extranjera inversion revenues will be produced when the total value of the inversion in one country by part of extranjeras organizations exceeds the total value of the inversion of country organizations in other countries. In general, the large income from foreign inversion indicates a strong national economy that is most attractive to foreign businesses. Some countries offer incentives to try to increase foreign investment revenues.
There are two main types of foreign inversion. Direct inversion means buying specifically physical assets in a country, such as establishing a factory or building a property. La inversión indirecta means comprar activeos financieros en un país extranjero, como acciones en compañías locales. The mayoría de las medidas de entrada de inversión extranjera solo se refieren a la inversión directa.
As a concept, direct extraneous inversion can take on a variety of activities. Además de comprar propiedades y activeos, una empresa podría invertir en el extranjero en la forma di dipartir tecnología y conocimiento, take on a management role or participate in a joint enterprise. Such activities do not always have a clear financial value and, therefore, it may be difficult for the general figures of the nation to include them completely.
When observing the input ciphers, it is important to carefully check the context and definitions, since there are two easy-to-understand formats to describe the ciphers. A method is to use «entrada» to refer simply to the total cantidad of inversion extranjera in a country. Another method is to use «entrada» to indicate that the entrant cantidad exceeds the ascending cantidad, and to establish the difference between the two. This last method can be called a clear entry to avoid confusion.
There are also various forms of interpreting the entry numbers. Una es simplymente observar la cantidad total que ingresa, con una actitud simple de «más grande es mejor», keeping in mind the inflation. Another form is to look at the net income to see the general patronage, generally with the attitude that the most money entering that rising is a sign of an attractive and competitive economy. Finally, in the place of simply looking at the stark difference between the incoming and salient money, an analyst could consider the proportional relationship between the two. This can give a more mapped vision of the development of the national economy in a global context.
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