Experts categorize carbs as good or bad based on their fiber content and glycemic index. Good carbs are high in fiber and cause a smaller glucose reaction, while bad carbs are low in fiber and cause a large glucose reaction. Some diets restrict bad carbs to promote weight loss and health. The theory behind good and bad carbs is that high-fiber carbs break down slowly and cause a decreased glycemic response, which can help manage weight. Studies on good and bad carbs have been inconclusive.
Most experts describe bad carbs based on their fiber level or how they rank on the glycemic index. Generally speaking, carbohydrates with a low amount of fiber or carbohydrates that cause a large blood glucose reaction within the body are described as bad, while carbohydrates with more fiber and a smaller glucose reaction are described as good. . Classic examples of bad carbs are things like soft drinks, while good carbs would generally be things like broccoli or whole wheat bread. Several modern diets have focused on restricting bad carbs as a way to encourage weight loss and improve overall health.
The theory behind good and bad carbs comes from the way the body breaks down food during digestion. Theoretically, carbohydrates with higher levels of fiber will break down more slowly and cause a decreased glycemic response within the body. Research has generally shown that when blood glucose levels rise high enough, the body can begin to store more fat, so keeping those levels low could be helpful in managing a person’s weight. Another supposed advantage of good carbohydrates is that they are generally denser and digest more slowly. These qualities could make food more filling for longer and lead to unintended caloric reduction.
Another way to look at bad carbs is through processed foods vs. natural foods. Some people think that any carbohydrate is generally fine as long as it hasn’t gone through a lot of modern processing procedures. There are some researchers who fear that preservatives and the inclusion of additional sugars through high fructose corn syrup and other additives could make any carbohydrate food potentially unhealthy. People who care about the level of processing will generally buy farm-fresh produce and fruit while staying away from pre-packaged products. Some of these dieters will also avoid foods that cannot be easily digested without cooking, such as rice or grain products, out of concern that they are unnatural for human consumption.
Studies on good and bad carbs have generally been inconclusive. There is data to support the idea that eating good carbs is better for weight loss than bad carbs, but the reasons behind this are somewhat murky. Some experts think it’s a matter of caloric intake and the level of fullness different foods provide, while others think it has more to do with hormonal reactions within the body. More research will probably be needed to determine the exact mechanisms involved.