SyncML, now known as OMA, is an open source standard for digital device interoperability regardless of brand. It allows for automatic updates across devices and is used by major companies. It is hoped to become a global language for digital connectivity.
Synchronization Markup Language (SyncML), now known as the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA), is an open source standard for interoperability of digital devices regardless of manufacturer or brand. For example, SyncML could be used between a mobile phone and a computer or personal digital assistant (PDA) and a network. The advantage of SyncML is that it is platform independent, making it a flexible solution for connecting digital devices of all kinds.
The power of sync is that it allows updates on one device to be automatically and instantly reflected in all other devices without manual updating. For a single user at home, this means that syncing a PDA to your computer will automatically update your calendar or to-do list. But what if a business wants to upgrade inventory to a field of 200 internationally positioned sales reps?
As portable digital devices have become ubiquitous, the languages these devices use to synchronize with computer systems have been largely proprietary. If you were using a BlackBerry PDA, for example, you needed special accompanying sync software to enable the BlackBerry to “talk” to a network and collect email. As consumers began using more interoperable digital devices, it became clear that a single unifying language would be preferable to a large family of competing proprietary languages. Enter SyncML.
Using SyncML, a home office can, for example, update field reps without thinking about what type of device each vendor has or what language is needed to communicate with that device. As long as all devices are SyncML compatible, a single task is enough to update all devices on the network. Using SyncML via Internet cafes, wireless hot spots, and virtual private networks can mean increased productivity and convenience for consumers and businesses.
SyncML is the brainchild of Philippe Kahn, who also invented the camera phone and founded Borland, Starfish Software, LightSurf and FullPower Technologies. Motorola bought Starfish Software in 1998, while Verisign now owns LightSurf. Heavyweights like IBM, Lotus, Sony Ericsson, Nokia, Palm Inc., Siemens AG, and Motorola have already implemented SyncML compliance in their products. It is hoped that SyncML will become a global language for both wired and wireless technologies, providing a worldwide common language for digital connectivity.