Chinese long beans are a tasty and versatile alternative to Western green beans. They can grow up to 3 feet long, but are best harvested at 20 inches. They can be used in casseroles, vegetable pans, and soups, and are best prepared by blanching and lightly frying with garlic-infused olive oil. They have a softer texture than American green beans but are just as filling.
For anyone who loves Western-style green beans, encountering the Chinese bean can feel like discovering a super bean. Tasty and easy to prepare, they can be a great way to get away from the same old green veggies and add some variety to everyday meals.
One of the main factors distinguishing the Chinese long bean from North American green beans is length. Capable of growing to a length of 3 feet (0.9 m), most people recommend harvesting and preparing the beans when they are no taller than 20 inches (0.5 m). While it’s true that longer Asian beans are a bit tougher, they do very well if the idea is to use them in some sort of casserole. Though longer and firmer, these beans tend to be softer in texture than American varieties of green beans, but just as filling.
The color of the Chinese long bean varies somewhat, from a pale green to a very almost forest-like green. Taste-wise, most types taste very similar to Western green beans and can be used in a variety of ways. A popular use for them is as an ingredient in a vegetable pan. Typically, the bean is cut into sections 3 to 5 inches (7.62 to 12.7 cm) long and paired with carrot and eggplant slivers.
Blanching is a great way to prepare Chinese bean, as the process helps bring out the flavor. One method of preparation involves blanching the bean segments, then lightly frying them with a small amount of garlic-infused olive oil. Because they readily absorb flavors, frying the beans on a low heat for about 15 minutes will allow the flavors of the oil to mix with the natural taste of the bean itself, creating a tasty side dish.
Chinese long bean also works very well in soups. The dark green color of some of the beans will make an attractive addition to vegetable soup using a tomato base, especially when combined with the bright orange of the carrots and the vibrant yellow of the whole corn. One thing to keep in mind is that beans tend to get soft much quicker than North American green beans, so it’s a good idea not to add them until the last half hour of letting the soup cook.
With a pleasant taste and deep color, Chinese long beans are a great way to dress up some favorite recipes that call for green beans. As a compliment to all types of meat and vegetables, they will easily find their place on any table.