To become a certified nurse anesthetist in the US, you need a bachelor’s degree in nursing or a science, a registered nurse license, one year of nursing experience, and a graduate program. You must also pass the National Certification Exam and meet state requirements to practice.
To become a certified nurse anesthetist, you first need to complete a bachelor of science degree, typically in nursing or one of the sciences. You will also need to be licensed as a registered nurse and practice nursing for at least one year. After gaining some professional experience, you can enter a graduate program that will provide you with the academic preparation you need to become a nurse anesthetist. The final step in the certification process is passing and passing the National Certification Exam, developed and administered by the National Council for Certification and Recertification of Nurse Anesthetists (NBCRNA).
The Certified Nurse Anesthetist designation is a professional credential for qualified Nurse Anesthetists in the United States. A nurse anesthetist is a registered nurse who has received graduate-level training in administering and monitoring anesthesia for patients. It should be noted that although the process for becoming a certified anesthetist is established by the American Association of Anesthesiologists (AANA), the decision on whether to actually allow you to practice as an anesthesiologist is up to your state’s board of nurses. You will still need to meet any additional requirements set by your state in addition to the steps needed to become professionally certified.
Before becoming a certified anesthetist, you must complete all the requirements to become a licensed registered nurse in your jurisdiction and work for one year in an acute care setting. This typically involves completing a nursing training program and passing a professional exam. You will also need to earn a bachelor’s degree before you can be admitted to graduate school to complete your anesthetist training. If you didn’t earn a bachelor’s degree in nursing as part of your preparation to become a nurse, you’ll need to go back to school.
After completing your graduate program, you may be eligible to take the certification exam to become a certified anesthesiologist. This exam is overseen by a third-party testing company, and you will need to make arrangements with that company to take the exam in your area. You are also responsible for providing NBCRNA with all the information it needs to inform the state board of nursing when you pass the exam. Once you pass the exam, you will need to work with your board of nursing to ensure that you are given the proper license to practice as a certified nurse anesthetist.