Extreme programming is a software development method that emphasizes business value and quality by delivering complete, error-free software within intervals of a few weeks. It involves frequent software deliveries, writing tests before programming, and pair programming. Refactoring is emphasized, and teamwork is crucial. The methodology has been successful in several software systems and is constantly evolving.
Extreme programming is one of the newest methods of software development. It aims to improve on traditional software development methods by emphasizing business value and quality. This programming method seeks to deliver complete, error-free software that meets business needs, within intervals of a few weeks.
In the traditional way of software development, a project takes many months or years. A team of analysts tries to get all the requirements from the users. Then, a group of designers creates the broad framework of the system. Next, programmers code the system within that framework. The testers then ensure that the code is error-free and meets the requirements.
The main problem encountered with traditional development is that users themselves are not always clear about their requirements, and requirements often change during the long time it takes to build the software. Different people are involved in different stages, and the documentation is almost never complete, so people in later stages cannot understand the thought process of people in earlier stages. This results in low quality software and low business value.
Typically, extreme programming involves frequent software deliveries within a few weeks. The motivation is to provide fully functional software that meets some critical business needs. A change to the requirements is expected in the next delivery.
Extreme programming, or XP for short, emphasizes quality by writing tests before doing the programming. As the software is written, the code is reviewed and tested many times a day. The entire software is put together and tested one or more times a day. This is done to ensure that no single piece of software disrupts the system.
One of the well-known aspects of extreme programming is pair programming, where two programmers work together on a computer. Thanks to this approach, the process of thinking, designing and coding that leads to the creation of the software is controlled immediately. The responsibility for developing any software is shared.
With this development method, software starts with a simple design and evolves to meet additional business needs. Creating features is avoided until they actually become a priority. The emphasis is on teamwork to create complete systems, so each team member plays the role of analyst, designer, programmer and tester every day. There is intense communication within the programming team, as well as between the programmers and the users to whom the software is delivered.
In this programming method, the concept of refactoring is greatly emphasized. Refactoring is the refinement of internal code to give the code a good structure and make it easier to understand without affecting the output. All work involved in extreme programming should be done at a sustainable pace with no late nights and weekends. This boosts morale and reduces the likelihood of mistakes.
Extreme programming gets its name from the idea that the positive aspects of how good programmers work are taken to extremes to capitalize on the benefits. This development method has been quite successful in a number of software systems. Since it is still a new methodology, its practices are constantly evolving.