Sports suitcases are designed to meet the unique travel needs of athletes, with durable and oversized options that can accommodate sports gear and equipment. They come in various types, including hand-carried duffel bags, team bags, and specialty bags for specific sports. Purchasing sports luggage is often a team responsibility, but individuals can also buy bags with team logos.
There are types of sports suitcases that are suitable for almost any type of sports travel scenario, from suitcases with team icons and logos to duffel bags designed to hold sports gear and specialty bags for stowing and shipping sports equipment. The hallmark of sports suitcases is that they are somehow designed to accommodate the travel needs of athletes. Most sports luggage is made to be particularly durable. It is often oversized and as such typically comes with at least one optional rolling component.
Sports teams and athletes face unique challenges when they travel. They often need a way to carry both their special uniforms and trainers along with their ordinary everyday clothing. Carrying equipment such as skis or golf clubs is often not an easy task either. Even carrying something familiar like basketballs can be difficult when working with limited luggage space. Sports luggage includes many different types of luggage to meet the needs of athletes in a variety of travel situations.
Perhaps the most basic sports luggage is luggage meant to be hand-carried by athletes. Most often, this type of luggage comes in the form of a duffel bag, often with the team name embroidered or otherwise affixed to the side. Sports bags are often slightly larger than regular duffel bags and are made of a harder material so they resist tearing from packed items like cleats. The bags often feature internal sections for the secure packing of items such as helmets, as well as an easy way to keep sports clothing and street clothes separate.
Sports baggage also includes baggage designed for use by a team as a whole. Any equipment that individual players are not expected to carry themselves typically goes in the overall team bag or bags. Most of the time, this type of sporting baggage is designed to be checked or stowed, not carried on the bus, plane, or another carrier’s cabin. These bags are often large and usually have both handles and wheels for ease of transportation.
Motorcyclists, golfers, skiers, and snowboarders are among those who generally only race with their own equipment. Transporting sports equipment from one location to another isn’t always easy and often requires special baggage. Any luggage specifically designed to carry and protect sports equipment is also known as sports luggage.
Purchasing sports luggage is usually a team responsibility. Most traveling athletic teams must have matching luggage, just as they have matching uniforms. Sometimes, teams will provide a set of suitcases for athletes. More often than not, athletes are required to purchase at least individual bags for themselves, though usually at a group discount.
Individuals who are not athletes can sometimes purchase bags with certain sports team names or logos on them. Many professional sports teams sell bags with team logos as a promotion, and some luggage manufacturers can embroider team logos on regular luggage when there is demand. This type of baggage is also often referred to as sports baggage, even though it has no connection with the type of baggage actually used by the named team.