Philosophical theology applies philosophy to theological concepts, bridging the gap between philosophy of religion and systematic theology. It seeks to use logical or empirical means to prove or disprove the feasibility of doctrines such as trinitarianism. Critics argue that it does not address the practicalities of religion and does a disservice to the intrinsic mystery of Christian doctrine.
Philosophical theology is an academic discipline that applies the methods of philosophy to theological concepts, especially but not exclusively to Christian beliefs. It can be considered a branch of philosophy of religion, but with an emphasis on specific doctrines. The discipline of theology often speaks in metaphorical or even mystical terms, but philosophical theology seeks to elucidate these terms in ways more in line with philosophy’s strict logical or empirical claims.
The role of philosophical theology is somehow to bridge the gap between philosophy of religion and systematic theology. The philosophy of religion tries to address philosophical or metaphysical questions, such as whether it is rational to believe in God, what the existence of good and evil says about God, etc. Systematic theology often assumes the existence of God, even if the theologian does not truly believe in God—and elaborates on the various implications of that or other doctrines. Philosophical theology, on the other hand, uses the systematic approach of the philosophy of religion, but applies it to the doctrines established by systematic theologians.
For example, many systematic theologians have for centuries held the doctrine of trinitarian theology, which is the belief that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are three beings in one. Others, however, might argue that Trinitarian theology violates the law of non-contradiction. This means that it is inherently illogical to say that God can be both one and triune at the same time. While a systematic or practical theologian might address these concerns in metaphorical terms, a philosophical theologian might seek to use logical or empirical means to prove or disprove the logical feasibility of trinitarianism.
Critics of philosophical theology can be broadly divided into those who object to its hyper-rationality and those who argue that it does not address the practicalities of religion. The language of religion and theology has historically been mystical, as seen in doctrines such as trinitarianism or transubstantiation, which is the belief that the bread and wine of communion are literally transformed into the body and blood of Christ. According to its critics, the attempt of philosophical theology to explain these doctrines in strictly empirical terms does a disservice to the intrinsic mystery of Christian doctrine. Some liberal Christian theologians further criticize this method of theology for being so abstract that it does not deal with practical religious issues, such as social justice or the actual beliefs of religious adherents.