A data composite is a computer program or process that combines data into a single unit for easy access and logical relation. It can be used to establish a database or gather data from multiple sources for various applications. The effectiveness depends on the sources and query construction.
A data composite is a term that can refer to a type of computer program or process that brings together an assortment of data that is compiled into a single unit of work or module. With either strategy, the intended purpose of the composite is to create a means of accessing data quickly and easily, while also allowing for the ability to relate different types of data logically. The process of creating a data set can be very simple or quite complicated, depending on the type of data collected for the purpose and how the information is organized.
In relation to a computer program, a data composite tries to establish some kind of database that can import relevant information, hence allowing users to access and sort that data based on the structure of different queries. This is sometimes known as reverse data engineering, as the information stored in the database can easily be retrieved using a number of different parameters. In this application, the data composite allows you to identify specific information contained in the database, set retrieval limits based on which fields to search, or even the use of keywords to conduct the search. The end result is a dataset that contains every bit of query-relevant information that the database has to offer.
A broader application of data composite has to do with gathering data from a variety of sources, then using software to prioritize, organize, and generally massage the collected data into a format that can be treated as a single unit. This approach is common when it is impractical to collect all relevant information in one database. With such an application, data can be extracted from multiple sources, then used to create documents, slide presentations, and other types of electronic media. Companies sometimes use this data set approach as a means of gathering data to include in a sales proposal, by drawing on multiple sources and importing key data into a single project document.
With both incarnations, the data composite actively draws on data sources, then presents that information in a way that the end user can use to achieve a particular goal. The effectiveness of the process depends on the sources that need to be accessed to gather the information and how the query for the data is constructed. In the best of circumstances, the collection process can proceed with very little delay, and assembling the information into a consistent and usable format can be handled in a short period of time.