Captain Jack Sparrow, played by Johnny Depp, is the main character in Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy. He was inspired by Keith Richards and is a pirate who wears a dramatized version of real pirate attire, carries a compass, and commands the Black Pearl. His most notable feature is his swaggering walk and slurred speech.
Captain Jack Sparrow is the main character in a series of Disney films known as The Pirates of the Caribbean. The trilogy consists of The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003), Dead Man’s Chest (2006) and At World’s End (2007). The films are partly based on the Disney ride of the same name, a classic since the park’s inception.
Captain Jack Sparrow is played by Johnny Depp, who received an Academy Award nomination and much critical acclaim for his performance. Depp became the first actor to be nominated for a Disney film and one of the few to earn a comedy nomination. Depp said he was inspired by Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards when he created the Captain Jack Sparrow character and that he envisioned pirates as the equivalent of rock stars. This is a far cry from the image the director had when he cast Depp as the lead character: he expected something more like Errol Flynn, with some parody added to the comedy. Johnny Depp completely took over the character, resulting in the Captain Jack Sparrow we know now.
Captain Jack Sparrow is said to have been born in colonial British India and worked for several years for trading companies and merchant ships. He became a pirate by force rather than choice when he freed a group of slaves and was branded a traitor by Cutler Beckett, a wealthy aristocrat who occasionally hired Jack Sparrow for odd jobs. Captain Jack Sparrow eventually came to command the Black Pearl, the ship he uses for his travels and his adventures. A curse imposed on Sparrow’s rogue crew has turned them into the walking dead, a fact that is only revealed at the end of the first film.
Captain Jack Sparrow wears a slightly dramatized version of a real pirate’s attire. Colors and materials vary slightly from film to film, but only trained eyes would be able to spot the differences. Jack Sparrow wears his hair in dreadlocks, has a goatee, and wears various jewels, including four rings, two belts with numerous charms, and animal/human bone pieces around his neck and waist. Captain Jack Sparrow also possesses a compass which, instead of pointing north, indicates the possession or desire most sought after by the owner. The compass was a pivotal point in the first film, as it helped the characters locate the treasure that revealed Jack Sparrow’s true identity.
Captain Jack Sparrow’s most notable feature is his swaggering walk, which has often been described as slightly drunk. His speech is slurred and he appears to be in a constant state of disorientation and confusion, which could be attributed to his passion for rum, but is more than likely part of his extravagant persona.