Choosing the best life coaching school involves comparing programs, considering personal goals, and exploring different coaching styles. Determine a specific area of interest, consider cost and length of program, and seek references from experienced trainers.
Comparing and gathering information about available training programs plays an important role in choosing the best life training school. Make your decision only after exploring life coaching career options and comparing them to your personal goals and expectations. Also consider the cost, length of the program, and any previous experience you may need with different life coaching styles.
Determine any specific area you want to pursue before deciding on a life coaching school. Life coach programs focus on different styles of training, and you may be better suited to one area or another. People hire life coaches for a variety of reasons, from career guidance to helping with relationships, getting fit and healthy, or becoming more spiritual.
If you already know what kind of coaching career you want, you can choose Life Coach courses in your desired specialty. If your interests aren’t clear, explore the different styles of life coaching to discover what suits you best. Consider your personality, experience and skills when deciding on a specific training style. Established life coaches and guidance or admissions personnel at life coaching schools can offer helpful advice on life coaching styles.
Life coach schools vary in size, type and cost. Many community colleges offer life courses that are part of a degree program. Other life coach schools offer the specific classes needed to become a certified life coach. Both diploma-based and certificate-based programs offer benefits, and you must decide which one best suits your needs.
Degree programs include general education courses in addition to life coach courses. This can provide a broader overall experience, but it can also take more time. The associate degree usually takes two years to achieve if the student attends full-time. Certificate programs offer a more direct approach, with a unique focus on life coach training. Obtaining a certificate generally takes less time than degree-based programs as it is more focused.
Cost can be a deciding factor when choosing the best life training school. University programs often accept government-funded financial aid to help with tuition, and community colleges are one of the cheapest types of higher education. Certificate programs may not have financial aid options and the tuition fee may be higher. Choosing a life training school should involve a careful consideration of how much money will be needed, as well as any scholarships or aid programs that may be available.
References can help you narrow down the best life coaching school. Look for seasoned, experienced trainers in your area of interest and ask them where they trained. Gathering information from experienced trainers can help avoid mistakes and mistakes down the road. Beware of life coach programs or schools with bad reputations, even if they may look well organized online or in a brochure.