The Argonauts, a crew of Greek heroes led by Jason, embarked on a perilous journey to retrieve the Golden Fleece. Their adventures, including encounters with mythical creatures, have been retold in Greek myths. The crew consisted of around 50 men and women, including famous figures from Greek mythology. The Argonauts were more than just sailors and their heroic deeds were enshrined in legends.
The Argonauts were a crew of heroes who helped Jason sail the ship Argo in search of the Golden Fleece in Greek mythology. Along the way, Jason and the Argonauts encountered a number of interesting, thrilling, and sometimes dangerous adventures that have been retold in various Greek myths for centuries. Argonauts can be seen on Greek vases and in other ancient Greek artwork, and they also appear in many Greek plays, both as part of the Argo’s crew and as individuals.
According to legend, Jason was ordered to retrieve the Golden Fleece to reclaim his rightful throne after it was usurped. The challenge was actually supposed to be impossible, and it certainly turned out to be difficult, as Jason had to face all kinds of threats from wars to mermaids as he journeyed to obtain the Golden Fleece. Upon returning, Jason finally reclaimed the throne from him, after going through several trials, but he died unhappy and only when part of the Argo, then much decayed, collapsed on him.
Descriptions of the number of Argonauts vary, although most accounts seem to describe around 50 men and women, including some well-known figures from Greek mythology such as Medea, Bellerophon, Heracles, Laertes, Iolaus, Orpheus, Theseus, and Polydeuces. Descriptions of the Argo often include that the ship had fifty oars, so the crew probably included at least 50, if not more.
After assembling his crew of Argonauts, Jason had to sail to Colchis, where the Golden Fleece presumably resided in the Grove of Ares. As the Argonauts traveled across the Aegean, their numbers waxed and waned, with some setting off on private quests while others joined and some dying in combat. The Argonauts were also forced to contend with dangers such as the Sirens, who attempted to lure the ship onto a rocky coast, as they navigated the sometimes treacherous waters of the Aegean.
The term “Argonauts” literally translates as “Argon sailors”, but the Argonauts were much more than sailors. They were some of ancient Greece’s most beautiful and renowned heroes, and their deeds both before and after their journey with Jason were remarkable enough to be enshrined in a number of myths and legends. You may also see the Argonauts called the Minians, in reference to a tribe that lived in the region where Jason was from, although the Argonauts came from all over Greece.