Spectrum efficiency is the optimized use of bandwidth or spectrum for maximum data throughput with minimal transmission errors. It has three components: economic, technical, and functional. Measuring spectrum efficiency involves all three dimensions to determine optimal utilization, incorporating both technical measurements and end-user feedback.
Frequency spectrum is a limited resource and therefore must be used efficiently to provide end users with the best possible experience. Spectrum efficiency is defined as the optimized use of bandwidth or spectrum that allows for maximum data throughput with the least possible transmission errors. For example, on cellular networks, this refers to maintaining an acceptable quality of service while allowing the maximum number of cell phone users to access the network at the same time. There are three main components to spectrum efficiency: economic, technical and functional. Each of the three components contributes to the overall measurement of spectrum efficiency.
Economic efficiency takes into account the generation of revenue, profits and the value generated by a resource with limited spectrum. Assigning economic value to the overall measurement of spectrum efficiency is critical to effectively exploiting market-based licensing. It is also critical to effectively determining and setting spectrum pricing models.
Technical efficiency takes into account the maximum amount of data a spectrum resource can handle. These factors include geographic area covered, volume used, and total bandwidth. Technical spectrum measurement is of critical importance for cellular networks in particular, but is still considered in other communications spectrum assessments, such as radios.
Functional efficiency dictates how well the use of a spectrum resource meets the needs of end users, enabling those users to complete tasks, such as a conversation, efficiently and effectively. Furthermore, it can compare the current state of the resource with other potential applications to determine it functionally. If a trucking company relies on instant communication capability delivered reliably and cost-effectively while in constant motion, those network requirements may not be compatible with a public network that typically seeks to maximize traffic throughput. Public safety and emergency services are other examples where measuring functional efficiency is crucial due to the dependence on reliability and near-instantaneous connection speed.
Typically, measuring spectrum efficiency will account for all three of these dimensions to determine optimal utilization. Often, however, the various media outlets inevitably score higher in one area than in the others. For example, mobile and cellular telephone services achieve high technical spectrum efficiency ratings compared to private mobile radios; however the latter usually offers higher functional spectrum efficiency. Overall measurement evaluation is both a qualitative and quantitative process, incorporating both technical measurements and end-user feedback.