A Linux chipset is hardware designed to run on a Linux system. Using non-Linux hardware can cause problems. Linux is an open-source version of UNIX, and Red Hat, Debian, and Ubuntu are types of Linux. Chipsets are circuitry in hardware devices and motherboards are the main processing chipset in a computer. Finding Linux drivers for integrated chipsets can be difficult.
A Linux® chipset is a piece of computer hardware designed to run on a Linux® system. Typically, hardware is not built just for Linux®, but manufacturers sometimes include Linux® drivers and other features that make some hardware better for use on Linux® than others. Using hardware not designed for Linux® on a Linux®-based machine can present some problems, including buggy hardware or drivers that don’t work. Independent software designers often create Linux® drivers for hardware that isn’t automatically Linux® compatible.
UNIX® is a set of standards for related products that must meet several requirements to carry the label as a UNIX® product. The Linux® operating system is a kind of open source version of UNIX®. Linux® types include Red Hat®, Debian® and Ubuntu®.
Open source is a means of managing the production of software so that users of the software have access to the code in the software and can collaborate with other users to create modified and improved versions of the software. Open-source Linux® operating systems can be installed on many types of hardware, but are best suited for those based on a Linux® chipset. Although free to download, Linux® operating systems are generally more popular with advanced computer users because they are often more difficult to set up and use than commercial operating systems.
A chipset is a name for the circuitry in a piece of computer hardware. This type of hardware part is called a chipset because it usually consists of more than one chip. Some hardware devices, such as graphics cards, sound cards, and wireless cards, are sometimes called chipsets to refer to the entire device, usually internal hardware such as audio chipsets, wireless chipsets, and graphics chipsets. Users designing and building a Linux® computer should verify if a piece of hardware uses a chipset compatible with the Linux® operating system.
Usually the largest chipset in a standard home computer, the motherboard is the main processing chipset in a computer, the one that houses the computer’s processing unit (CPU) often referred to as the processor. Generally, when a computer user refers to the compatibility of his Linux® chipset, he is referring to the motherboard. A motherboard chipset is sometimes referred to as a CPU chipset or motherboard Linux® chipset. Finding Linux® drivers capable of running motherboards compatible with a Linux® chipset becomes tricky when motherboards use an integrated chipset, which includes the graphics chipset and audio chipset in the same chipset as the motherboard chip.