Wine tannins, found in grapes and oak barrels, contribute to taste, structure, and aging ability. More tannins in red wine due to manufacturing differences. Tannins act as natural defense mechanisms and antioxidants, but can cause headaches due to their relationship with starches.
Wine tannins are chemical compounds that occur naturally in parts of a grape and are found in oak barrels. These chemicals contribute to a wine’s structure, taste, and ability to age without spoiling. When there are a lot of tannins in a wine and that drink hasn’t been able to age, it will likely taste bitter. These chemicals are thought to be the cause of the headaches some people experience after drinking wine, but they also help an individual by acting as antioxidants.
Tannins serve as a natural defense mechanism by helping to protect plants from wild creatures. These chemicals do this by producing a bitter taste that makes a plant undesirable. Found in different parts of a grape, including skins, seeds and stems, tannins are also found in the bark of trees. Consequently, they are present in the oak barrels in which the wine is stored.
The production and storage process affects the amount of wine tannins in a drink. There are generally more wine tannins in red grape drinks than there are in white grape wines. This is due to several differences in the manufacturing process. For example, red grapes tend to be pressed more aggressively, which results in more tannins being transferred from parts such as the skin to the wine being produced. Because red wines are commonly aged for longer periods than white wines, more tannins leach from the barrels to the red wine.
When there are few tannins, individuals are generally discouraged from storing wine for long periods. If the wine has a significant amount of tannins, it can taste bitter or appear astringent. This type of wine is commonly described as tannic and can usually be stored for long periods. Allowing tannic wine to age can change its taste because, over time, the tannins in wine tend to settle down and the potency of their bitterness fades. Since these chemicals are natural preservatives, they help prevent the wine from spoiling during this time.
It is the tannins in wine that are often blamed for the headaches that some people experience after consuming these drinks. The relationship between tannins and starches is thought to have negative effects on serotonin, causing headaches. Conversely, tannins are also thought to have some health benefits associated with being antioxidants.