I Love Lucy was a groundbreaking 1950s sitcom starring Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz as a couple living in a fictional New York City apartment complex. The show’s success was due to Ball’s physical comedy and innovative filming techniques, but it ended due to the couple’s difficult divorce. The show continued to be syndicated worldwide.
I Love Lucy was a popular and groundbreaking 1950s television sitcom. Starring Lucille Ball as Lucy and her real-life husband, Desi Arnaz, as Ricky Ricardo, I Love Lucy was based on an early radio show in which Ball was also the lead actress.
I Love Lucy follows the lives of the two main characters, plus Fred and Ethel, a neighboring couple who are also their landlords. The four live at 623 East 68th Street, a fictional apartment complex in New York City which is the setting for most of the episodes. The show also sometimes takes place at the “Tropicana”, a nightclub where Ricky works as a conductor. Subsequent episodes show the two couples in Hollywood, Florida and across Europe, as they accompany Ricky on business trips. Towards the end of the show, the characters have moved to a small rural Connecticut town.
In I Love Lucy, Lucille Ball is a naive housewife who desperately wants to get involved in show business. She repeatedly tries to join her husband in the club, posing as a showgirl, trying to play the cello and acting like a singing cowboy. This always results in comedic situations, since she Lucy can’t carry a tune and is utterly talentless when it comes to dancing or acting. She gets a role as “Vitameatavegamin girl” in the episode of the same name which became the highest rated in the history of I Love Lucy. Of course, things don’t go as planned, and by the end of filming, she Lucy is drunk and her tongue so twisted that she ends up saying, “Are you unpopular?”
Much of the show’s success stems from Ball’s aptitude for physical comedy. Highly respected by professional comedians and clowns, Lucille Ball got the chance to showcase her comedic skills by sharing the screen with other stars like Harpo Marx and William Holden.
I Love Lucy ran from October 15, 1951 to May 6, 1957 as TV show No. 1 in America. This was due in part to the innovative filming techniques that set it apart from all other sitcoms of the time. The show was filmed with three cameras and in front of a live studio audience. Most of the episodes were also shot sequentially, which meant the actors had to improvise whenever they made a mistake. This proved to be a big plus and kept the show fresh and original.
One of the reasons the show ended was that Lucille and Desi were going through a difficult divorce and things had gotten too tense for comfort on set. After the show was cancelled, episodes continued to be syndicated worldwide.