Choose a door decanter that can hold all contents and aerate the wine. Port decanters keep sediment inside, with traditional designs like Hoggett. Cut glass or crystal is best for taste, and some have filters for extra sediment filtering and aeration.
A door decanter will work well as long as it is able to hold all of the contents of the door bottle and offers enough space for air to enter the decanter to aerate the door. There are several designs available, but most are based on the basic design of a flat bottom and a narrow one. Choosing the best one is a matter of finding a design you like and finding a material that is of good quality and keeps the taste of the door intact.
Port decanters are used to contain the finer filtered contents of the port. During the fermentation process, port forms a layer of sediment that is undesirable for drinking. The bottle is traditionally left upright for about an hour, then the contents are carefully poured into the port decanter. This keeps the sediment inside the bottle.
A common design for an over door decanter is known as a Hoggett decanter. Hoggets have a narrow top and a rounded bottom set on a wooden or other material base. The decanter cannot be placed on a table if it is not inserted into the base. This comes from the tradition where the port decanter is passed around a table without the base, so that it cannot be put down until it has been turned around the table and everyone has had some. This way, no one can “put it down”, hence the name.
For those who don’t want to go with tradition or don’t want to have a decanter that can be set up anywhere, there are many designs available that offer a flat bottom. Regardless of the design, most decanters are made from cut glass or crystal because, aside from looking elegant, these materials don’t affect the taste of the port. A good quality port decanter will have a narrow mouth, so the port can breathe, meaning air is let in to enhance the flavor and is easily poured.
Some port decanters have a top with a screen or other filter. This adds another layer to the sediment filtering process. Have a filter on top of which port can be poured, in addition, further aerate the wine. Regardless of the function of the top, most decanters come with a socket to put on the top of the port if it is going to be there for any length of time, even if traditionally the port is drunk during a sitting.