Optical computers use photons instead of electrons for faster speeds, smaller size, and less heat. They are not yet available but could create faster Internet connections and smaller technology parts.
Optical computers, also known as photonic computers, use photons instead of electrons to send signals. Photons are the fundamental particles that make up light. The lasers in the computer produce streams of light to use instead of electrons. There are several benefits to using light, including faster speeds, smaller computers, and less heat.
Computers typically use an electrical current to power the computer and its processes. Instead, the idea behind optical computers is to use light. While small pieces of technology can use light to function, true optical computers don’t exist yet. The researchers believe that over time, technology will move towards the use of optical computers and the technology will advance enough to make them an everyday reality.
For a computer to work, it sends an electric current in and out of parts known as transistors. These transistors are turned on or off by these electric currents and this sends a message to the computer. The basic idea of an optical computer is to use light, made up of photons, instead of electric current.
The advantages of optical computers and the use of photons instead of electrons are numerous. First, light creates virtually no heat as it travels, whereas the electric current currently used in computers emits a lot of heat. A computer can only run so fast before it gets hot. Optical computers would use light and thus the computer could run faster without ever worrying about overheating.
A second key benefit of using light is its ability to pass through other beams of light. Two lasers can cross without affecting the path of either. Electric currents can’t do this, and the computer must be designed so that they never cross. Since the light beams can cross each other, less space is needed. This would result in smaller computers and smaller parts used in both computers and other forms of technology.
Currently, optical technology is used in laser printers, scanners, and even a computer’s CD burner. Lasers use light to do all of these processes. The goal is to spread optical technology not just to computers, but to connections between electronic devices. Optical technology could create faster Internet connections than previously available. With the combination of optical computers and this possible new type of Internet connection, computers could perform tasks almost instantly.