Uterine prolapse occurs when the pelvic floor muscles weaken, causing the uterus to slip into the vagina. Symptoms include a feeling of heaviness or pulling in the pelvis, painful intercourse, and bulging tissue around the genitals. Treatment options include a pessary, surgery, or bed rest. Kegel exercises can help prevent uterine prolapse. Women who have had multiple pregnancies or difficult deliveries are at higher risk. Seeking medical treatment early is important to reduce the risk of complications.
A prolapsed uterus is a medical condition caused by weakening pelvic floor muscles, causing a woman’s uterus to slip into her vagina. If left untreated, this condition can be very dangerous, so it’s important to seek medical treatment for the symptoms of a prolapse. There are a number of treatments that can be used to address the condition, depending on the individual patient, and the prognosis is very good when prolapse is caught early.
People also refer to uterine prolapses as “dropped wombs” or “uterine hernias.” Common symptoms include a feeling of heaviness or pulling in the pelvis; in extreme cases, a patient may be able to feel the uterus in her vagina or see bulging tissue around her genitals. The condition is also characterized by painful intercourse. If the prolapse is severe, other organs, including the bladder, may also slip.
To diagnose uterine prolapse, a doctor does a physical exam and may use imaging studies such as MRIs to get a more general picture of the area. Depending on the severity of the prolapse, there are different approaches to treatment. Some women succeed with an internal support device called a pessary, which holds the uterus in place. Others require surgery or bed rest to treat the condition, and treatments may be needed for associated problems such as infections.
To prevent uterine prolapse, women should keep their pelvic floor muscles strong and healthy. The best way to improve pelvic floor muscle tone is to do Kegel exercises. To perform a Kegel, tense your muscles as if you were stopping a stream of urine and hold them for a count of five before releasing them. Kegels can be done at any time of the day. Eating a balanced diet and refraining from smoking can also help prevent uterine prolapse.
Women who have had multiple pregnancies or difficult deliveries are more at risk of uterine prolapse, as are older women who may experience decreased muscle tone. If you’re at risk, your ob-gyn may talk to you about the possibility of a prolapse and ways to avoid it. If you suspect prolapse, see a doctor as soon as possible, as this will make the condition easier to treat and reduce the risk of complications.