Egocentrism in adolescence is a natural aspect of cognitive development, but can also be influenced by environmental factors. It often leads to self-centeredness and the belief that others are as focused on them as they are. This can create a personal fairy tale and imaginary audience, and is reinforced by attention and comments from others.
Egocentrism in adolescence can be caused by a number of factors, although it is typically an aspect of cognitive development that occurs as a natural aspect of aging and change. Between the ages of 11 and 15, many young people begin to develop a much greater awareness of themselves and their identity. This commonly leads to self-centeredness in adolescence as children often feel that as they are becoming more aware of themselves, others must also be just as focused on them as they are. It is also possible that environmental factors influence this development, causing the attention of parents or others to be seen by the adolescent as everyone else’s natural vision.
One of the most common causes of self-centeredness is the natural progression of cognitive development for many young people. During adolescence, people typically develop greater self-awareness and acquire a more complex sense of identity and individualism. When this happens, it is quite common for self-centeredness in adolescence to grow and become quite powerful. Even though most people at this age have developed a greater understanding of the distinction between their own opinions and those of others, there is still a tendency for them to imagine that other people are as focused on them as they are on themselves. themselves.
This kind of egocentrism often creates two distinct and common aspects: the personal fairy tale and the imaginary audience. A personal fairy tale is a subconscious concept that develops as young people establish their identities and assume they are unique in every way. Someone in this age group might argue with a friend and believe that their sense of anger or pain is greater than anyone else has ever felt and that they are unique in terms of ideas and feelings.
The imaginary audience also often develops due to egocentrism in adolescence, as a person focuses more and more on himself. When this happens, the teen commonly assumes that everyone else should focus on him or her as well. This external force becomes an imaginary audience who they believe observe their every mistake and action.
Egocentrism in adolescence can also develop due to environmental factors, especially attention and comments from parents or other people around someone. A young person who receives a lot of praise from one parent can extend this viewpoint to all the others, assuming that they, too, see his accomplishments as equally worthy. This often occurs in conjunction with cognitive developmental factors, as the attention or actions of others reinforce adolescents’ internal beliefs about their self-worth.