Sinus pain can be caused by swelling, allergies, swimming, smoking, or physical conditions like polyps. Treatment should be sought quickly to minimize pain and prevent worsening of the condition.
Sinus pain is a condition that most people experience at one time or another. In some cases, the pain is relatively minor and can be treated quickly and effectively. Other causes of breast pain are more serious and require more aggressive attention to correct the problem.
Swelling is often at the root of sinus pain. When the sinuses become inflamed, the cilia are unable to move the mucus. As a result, bacteria build up and increase swelling. Unless the problem is treated right away, there’s a good chance your breast pain is accompanied by a feeling like your head is full. The ears can also suffer as the infection affects the function of the Eustachian tubes. Often, antibiotics help kill the infection and allow healing to begin.
Bacterial or viral infections aren’t the only common causes of breast pain. Often, allergies can also trigger great discomfort in the nasal passages. Treating the allergy, as well as avoiding the allergens that are causing the pain, will help relieve the choking sensation and reduce swelling.
Swimming and diving can also lead to sinus pressure and congestion. Just as some people are prone to ear infections when they get water in the ear canal, others can develop nasal congestion and a runny nose after contact with salt water or even chlorinated water found in swimming pools. Taking care using nose plugs can help minimize your chances of developing an infection and enduring a great deal of sinus pain.
Smoking cigars or cigarettes can also lead to the development of breast pain. The reaction varies, with some people experiencing painful dryness in the nasal passages. Others find that smoking irritates sensitive tissue and causes swelling that can be very uncomfortable. Avoiding tobacco use or staying away from enclosed spaces where smoking is usually sufficient to prevent nasal congestion.
Along with external stimuli, breast pain can originate in a physical condition. Some people have growths in the nasal passages and cavities known as polyps. If the polyps expand enough to block the passages, large sinus congestion can occur and lead to the development of the infection. Surgery can be used to correct the situation and prevent the polyps from causing any pain.
With any type of breast pain, it’s important to see a doctor quickly. Delaying treatment only allows the source of the breast condition to worsen. By seeking early treatment, the severity and duration of pain can be minimized significantly and allow breast pain sufferers to continue their lives.