Chocolate molds come in various shapes and sizes and are made of silicone, metal, or plastic. They are used to make filled and solid chocolates and other candies. Cooks brush melted chocolate into the mold to create a thin shell, add filling, and seal it with more chocolate. Solid chocolates are made by pouring melted chocolate into the mold and allowing it to cool. Chocolate making requires a candy thermometer, spatulas, double boilers, and tempering equipment. Handmade chocolates are popular gifts and can be made using numerous recipes available online.
Chocolate molds are molds designed to be used in candy making, for the production of filled and solid chocolates. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes which can be used to produce a dizzying array of chocolates. The best chocolate molds are made from silicone or metal, both of which have very high heat resistance. Less expensive chocolate molds made from plastic are also available, but these must be used with care, as the heated chocolate used in candy making can melt the molds if not handled properly.
When cooks make filled chocolate using a chocolate mold, they brush the melted chocolate into the mold to create a thin chocolate shell. Many cooks like to make multiple layers, ensuring the chocolate is thick and that it cools completely between layers. Once the shell is set you can add the filling and add more chocolate to seal the filling. After the chocolate has cooled, the mold can be inverted and gently tapped to allow the chocolates to fall out, at which point they can be decorated and packaged.
Solids are made by pouring the chocolate into the mold, tapping it sharply on the counter to remove air bubbles, and then allowing the chocolate to cool completely before inverting the mold to allow the chocolate solids to escape. Many molds designed for solid chocolate come in decorative designs such as trees, animals, plants, and so on, with the details preserved in the molded chocolate.
In addition to being used for chocolates, chocolate molds can also be used for a variety of other candies. For stickier recipes, the molds can be dusted with cornstarch or cocoa powder to ensure the candy comes out cleanly and in one piece. Silicone molds are also useful for sticky recipes, as they can be gently removed to encourage the candy to pop out.
Molds are just one of an assortment of chocolate making supplies. To work with chocolate, people also need a good candy thermometer to monitor the temperature, along with spatulas and double boilers. Many people also like to temper the chocolate they use in candy making, in which case tempering equipment will also be needed. For people who are just starting out with chocolate, tempered chocolate can also be purchased from baking supply companies.
Making chocolate can be a messy process, but handmade chocolates tend to be a big hit as gifts and at parties. While the initial cost of chocolate molds can be moderately expensive, they can be used for years, making them an excellent addition to the kitchen for people who suspect they’ll be making lots of chocolates and candies. Numerous recipes for filled and solid chocolates are available on the Internet.