Choosing the best Java IDE involves considering factors such as layout, ease of use, features, price, and system compatibility. Look for an IDE with easy-to-follow menus, useful features like autocomplete and program testing, and compatibility with your system. Consider costs for enterprise software development.
A Java® integrated development environment (IDE) is a program that contains various tools for creating programming code, managing program modules, and debugging and testing Java® code. Each IDE has different features, is compatible with specific operating systems, and provides a graphical interface for use in creating programs. When choosing the best Java® development environment, you should consider IDE layout, ease of use, features, price, and system compatibility. There are many IDEs available, so you’ll likely need to weigh all of these factors to find the one that best fits your needs, budget, and computer system.
One of the main factors in choosing the best Java® development environment is the layout of the program interface. You’ll need to find an IDE that has easy-to-follow menus and groups toolbar icons in a logical way. If you create programs that require a graphical interface, you’ll want to find an IDE that includes tools for designing program layouts. The organization of the IDE tabs is also important, because a poorly organized IDE can make it difficult to keep track of Java® program modules. Programs with a clean layout usually give you the option to hide tabs and menus you don’t need, which can make the interface much cleaner and easier to follow.
It is important to ensure that the IDE you select supports the features you need. If you need to use plug-ins to access databases or the web through your program, the best Java® development environment for you will make it easy to add and use plug-ins. Another useful feature in an IDE is autocomplete, which suggests words as you start typing code. Most IDEs support this feature, but some use it less efficiently than others. Other useful features to look for include the ability to try out programs within the IDE and the IDE’s ability to find errors in your code.
While there are several free full-featured IDEs available, some used for enterprise software development can be expensive and may require more licensing fees. You may also find that you have to pay for any product updates that come out, so you’ll want to consider these costs, especially if you’re using the program in a business. System compatibility is also an important factor in choosing the best Java® development environment, but many IDEs in 2011 support multiple platforms and make compatibility less of an issue.